Personal Message

Mikami Mio
Citizen, human
!!!! 16 !!!! 1.54cm
Probably hetero, but I'm not rping anything beyond 100% platonic puppy love with her


Special notes:

  • on the autism spectrum
  • strong deficits in communication, in both expressing and understanding what people want from her (has trouble connecting sound to meaning)
  • understands meaning a lot better with visual cues
  • easily gets overwhelmed by sensory input
  • has a great memory for movements
  • the frustration from not being able to communicate can lead to emotional outbursts
  • gets bullied by the kids from the normal school next door (she fights back though, viciously)

Current situation:

  • she lives with her mother in a poor part of town and goes to a school for kids with special needs
  • however, her mother regularly tries to get rid of mio (a major financial burden) by sending her on errands, knowing mio won't be able to find her way back
  • eventually, the guilt overcomes her and she goes out looking for her daughter, brings her back, vows to do better and the cycle repeats
  • her mother is a fugitive from Japan who found refuge in Japan, but never managed to establish herself here
  • when mio is not homeless, she likes to cuddle, build things, tidy up, play with Sejin and watch youtube videos
  • when she is homeless, she just sleeps and wanders around and tries to find food

event room - shelter
ace - alleys
sejin - apartment
bogyeol - street
barbara - ?