
Character Name: Elden Lito
Faceclaim + Group: Ciel Takuma + Model
Age: 21 (21 OOC)
Quick Background: Growing up in a low middle class home, things were easy, and you could even say he was slightly spoiled. Mutants didn’t play a large role in his life until he was nineteen. He was focusing on social care, to become a social worker to help those who were in much less fortunate situations than he was, after some years of study. His partner at the time, an ever supportive person, came to visit him one day when he was volunteering for work experience at a nursery. A young kid, one of the mutants whom’s powers developed at a young age, had an outburst. The kid was just small, they wouldn’t have known how to control that kind of power. Yet, his lover was caught in the crossfire and killed. With the tragedy solid in his mind, flashing behind his eyes every time he sees violence from a mutant, he gave up his dream of social work to become a guard. Anyone who reminds him of the light of his life wouldn’t be taken nicely to, whether fellow guard or mutant. (Will be expanded upon, I really couldn’t think of much TT-TT)