Personal Message
Hyunjin: wALL
Christopher: Tag Room (2); Wall
Podd: Dance Floor

lee Minho
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basic information
01 : full name
lee minho
02 : date of birth
25 october 1998
03 : CLUB Position
04 : occupation
05 : orientation
06 : love interest
Minho had lost both of his parents when he was sixteen, and coming from an extremely poor family he was left to fend for himself. For a while, Minho was dependent on an older man he had met outside the homeless shelter one night. Being naive and childish at the time, it didn't take long for Minho to fall for the other man and his promises of a nicer future and care. However, the relationship soon turned sour as the other wanted to completely control the younger man, eventually using verbal and physical abuse to get whatever he wanted. 

During the time spent with the man, Minho had become desensitized to his own emotions, the other successfully convincing the guy that he isn't worth anything in the real world. Being so young, Minho was fast to believe that, submitting to the other's desires whenever the man wanted him to. 

Minho managed to escape this relationship eventually, getting a part-time job and finally graduating. Currently, he works as a freelance illustration artist as well as his part-time job in a local cafe. Although free from the abusive relationship Minho is rather indifferent to this day, most of his emotions concealed and hidden behind a wall of jokes and humor. In reality, he is a soft and warm person, and although he tries to be cautious, this part of his personality shows up rather often. 

Minho came to the club seeking to gain control over himself once again, hoping to rid himself from the dark associations that come with any type of intimacy in his life. 
01 : likes
Books, movie nights, plants, coffee and tea, cuddles, dumplings, pizza, stephen king novels
02 : dislikes
Being alone, cold and rain, spiders or any sort of insects, seafood
03 : hobbies
painting, drawing, reading, video games, cooking
04 : Kinks
, restraints, edging, double penetration, degradation, overstimulation, cockwarming, exhibitionism
05 : family
@name here
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