played by purpleanon
The dawn right before the sun rises is the darkest.
Scary Love
The Neighbourhood
updated on 04.03
full name
chae hyungwon
date of birth
january 15, 1995
zodiac sign
love inerest
about me
updated on 00.00
Hyungwon grew up in a loving household. He was an only child and was living with his parents and loved their town as they are close to the sea with their house just being a 5-minute walk from the beach. He thought everything is going well in his life until everything fell apart when he was 15. His father's scheme of taking money for the company he worked for was unfolded and things started spiraling down for their family.
"When tomorrow comes, a day of pretending as if nothing happened will start again." 
His father, in a desperate attempt to keep their lifestyle, thought it'll be best to take Hyungwon to work with him. They worked odd jobs together, from being bar servers, construction workers, even delivering newspapers was something that they did together and Hyungwon didn't see anything wrong with it as he wanted to help his family.

Everything changed when his father started bringing him to sketchy places to deliver stuff that they cannot look into and little did he know, they were being asked to deliver drugs to local clubs and gangs. 

One night, his life changed when a gang leader took interest in him at age 17 and proposed to take him under his wing. Given the large amount of money, Hyungwon's father turned his back on him and that's when all hell broke lose and Hyungwon's world fell apart upon knowing that he was never their son. He was adopted by his parents when a friend of theirs passed away due to a car accident. 

From then on, Hyungwon led a troubled life. He was involved in different illegal activities and was labeled as the leader's pet. He was giving ual favors to the leader and his friends whenever they are having parties at the mansion where he lived.

He was only able to leave his life behind when the gang leader passed away due to an assassination. He took all of what he could from the mansion; jewelries, money, and clothes and he disappeared just like the members of the gang who went on to live a different life like he did or joined another gang themselves.

Up until now, Hyungwon never lets anyone into his life to get to know him and he treats everything and every relationship as a business as he never knew how to build good relationships due to his fear of being weak and vulnerable, only to get hurt in the end.

Today, Hyungwon's currently modeling for different brands and only has one manager that keeps his schedule in check. He lives alone in a penthouse outside of the club and likes to keep to himself.
updated on 00.00
—10k notes
updated on 00.00
my likes

keeping to myself, watching movies at night, browing the internet, shopping, going on aimless walks around the city, going to animal cafes, going on drives, listening to lo-fi music, drinking, sleeping.

my dislikes

rude people, food that are too spicy, being forced to wake up, cooking, hot coffee.

my hobbies

shopping, driving, walking alone, watching cute animal videos, painting


yellow, green, & blue




(cuffs/restraints), sensation play, , roleplaying (test:  Test: What kind of ual deviant are you?)

updated on 00.00
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updated on 00.00
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