Personal Message

Han Xing Guang || 星光 || 星星 || 小星 || 19 years of age || Common Thief || Born on the second day of Jing Zhe (March 6th) || GMT+8

Strengths/Powers: Fast, Light on her feet, Stronger than she initially appears to be

Han Xing Guang was born to a general and his wife. She spent most of her childhood fairly happy, staying close to her mother, only seeing her father, Han Qianfan, on the rare times he was at home before she had been sent to sleep. As she grew, the issues with Emperor Zhao began to seep into the kingdom and everyone felt the consequences of it.
She was 14 when her mother was executed by the Emperor, having been accused of trying to turn her husband, Han Qianfan, against the emperor. Qianfan was the one who dealt the finishing blow, earning himself trust from Emperor Zhao as he climbed the ranks, quickly forgetting about the daughter he had spoken two perhaps six times over the course of 14 years.
This event shaped Xingguang. She realised that family meant nothing, and silently she disappeared from her home, leaving no trace of her escape route.
She was driven by revenge, wanting to find a way to make her father pay for abandoning his family, and killing his wife. She wanted to make sure that nobody else would suffer at the hands of Emperor Zhao, and so she joined a group of rebels, beginning to act as a spy and a thief for them. She got into the palace on a regular basis, nobody realising she wasn't supposed to be there, not even her father who couldn't even recognise her...
All of the information she heard and objects she took were passed to the rebels, and then the day came. They came to dethrone the emperor and make sure that someone better was put on the throne...
That was the day that her father finally recognised her, staring her down as one of the other rebels stabbed him in the back, twisting the knife in deeper to make sure that he would never recover. Xingguang stayed with Qianfan, stroking his hair and keeping him company in silence until his last breath.
She regretted staying with him, knowing that the rebels had seen her remaining with him when they should all have been focusing on their goal. She lost their trust, and now she's nothing but a common thief, trying to find a way to get away from the city.


Loves bugs, especially ants and bees.
Is terrified of dogs.
Her favourite weathers are thunderstorms and rainstorms.
Although she has some clothes from before she left everyone she knew behind, Xingguang tends to wear more plain mens clothes, consisting of plain, baggy off-white hemp pants, a round-collared off-white hemp tunic that reaches her mid thigh, and a pair of sandals. For winter she has an fur cloak.
