Personal Message

team tigers
may 15, 2000 (21)
demi, single
tracker / connections
k. jongin
tigers hq

k. yerim。
private message。




gallery / visual

reply speed
》― basic information !
perception alteration (the ability to alter the way people perceive him and/or things he is touching (ie. objects, people, etc.) (ex. he can appear as a doctor to someone, he can also appear as an idol, or a ceo, etc. without having to change his physical appearance. he can also make himself "invisible" by making himself a "nobody" so that people don't really notice he's there. this can also be done to objects and other people)
》― history !
before joining the rankings of the blessed yoshi was a regular exchange student pursuing a higher education at a prestigious university. when he wasn't studying he was spending his free time doing volunteer work at soup kitchens, charity events, fundraisers, etc. by all accounts he was considered kind and sweet by all those who knew him, an angel without wings. things changed after the cat deity touched him, not only granting him strange powers, but altering his very being forever. after that, he was taken by the authorities, forced into experiments that seemed determined to rewrite yoshi into something new. trying so hard to hold onto who he was yoshi mostly succeeded at retaining his original self, but in the process all the rotten, festering additions did not go away, they simply formed into a second self, hidden deep within the first - a fun house reflection of the angel yoshi so desperately wants to be. *more detailed version to come
》― personality & details  !
random ideas floating around in my head ;

+ the "second self" or "other self" is a separate personality from yoshi that inhabits the same body. yoshi is the original and dominant personality, while this "other self" is newer (created through the horrific experiments yoshi was forced to endure), and while this person generally takes a backseat, he is able to and sometimes does take control of the body and shoves yoshi into unconsciousness when he wants to. this other self will respond to the name yoshi, but also refers to himself as "devil" and the name "yuma" (meaning permanence, real, genuine)

+ although the "other self" calling himself "devil" may sound cheesy, there is a reason behind it. one of yoshi's nicknames from both friends and family is "angel" due to his kind and selfless attitude, and his "second/other self" is essentially a false mirror version of yoshi, hence calling himself "devil" in opposition to yoshi's angelic moniker.

+ yoshi's powers are stronger when his "other self" is in control, and so he was often pushed to let the other persona be more dominant in order to please the people in charge of the experiments. he hates doing this, and he also hates his "other self" quite a bit. not completely, because yoshi isn't capable of that kind of hatred, but enough.

+ as someone who is used to doing good, and striving to be kind to everyone, it was and is still very hard for yoshi to use his abilities for "bad things" - he is perhaps the **softest of the tiger team, unless yuma is in control, then it can be the exact opposite. 
**tbd when the tiger team is full i guess adkjfhskdjh

+ yoshi is korean-japanese, and grew up in japan for most of his life. while he moved abroad for school, most of his family remains in japan. ever since he was taken in by the government he hasn't been able to contact them much at all, which is hard for him since yoshi has always been deeply connected with his family. one of the main ways the government controlled him and "persuaded" yoshi to comply with the experiments was through threatening to hurt his family and friends, using his deep connections and love for them as a weakness.

+ to explain his power of "perception alteration" a bit more in detail, it's very similar to the "perception filter" from doctor who. yoshi is able to make himself appear as anything he can think of, without having to change his appearance at all. you can think of it affecting people like this: if yoshi wishes to infiltrate a hospital and have access to any rooms without being found suspicious, he can make everyone around him perceive him as a doctor. he does not need to dress like one (though it would help him in case the perception alteration wears off, but that's besides the point). his power makes it so that people's gazes "slide off of him," as in they still see him, but are not registering his appearance or questioning why he's there. this power can also apply to other people or objects that yoshi is touching. for example, if he were carrying a weapon in a public space, in order to not get caught by authorities for breaking the law he can make everyone around him perceive the weapon as a backpack or a handphone. again, they can still see the weapon, but their brain does not register it as abnormal. back to the hospital infiltration scenario, if he's touching someone he's working with he can make them appear as a fellow doctor or nurse to everyone so they can both move together with ease. (if this still doesn't make sense i'll try to explain it better askjdfhds)

+ yoshi does not like to fight at all. he can fight when needed, though he is not nearly as skilled as his other team members. however, if yuma is in control, once again this is the opposite. yuma loves to fight, and normally tries to antagonize people into fighting him just for fun. he loves to win, and he still enjoys himself when he loses. it's about the thrill, and about riling people up until they lose themselves. he likes the taste of blood in his mouth, though it makes yoshi want to throw up.
》― significant other !
》― scenarios & connections !
*may be altered if they do not fit setting/plot of the roleplay
*lot of these are half-baked i will turn them into bread later vfhjd

jekyll or hyde (and me) + anyone, preferably blessed or cursed + although yoshi is the one in control 90% of the time you've somehow only ever managed to meet his other self, yuma, when the two of you are around each other. as such, it's a surprise to you to have yoshi being nice and considerate, and rather soft and shy, compared to the way he usually acts towards you - abrasive, antagonistic and a little bat crazy. to say you're confused would be an understatement.

possession (is nine tenths of the law) + anyone, preferably blessed + sometimes yoshi wakes up with bloody knuckles and dirt under his fingernails, and other times he wakes up to find things that aren't his hidden beneath his pillow. and he's so tired even though he'd been asleep, that he knows the only explanation for this is yuma taking control and using his body to do whatever heinous acts he feels like, and it scares yoshi because he doesn't even know what yuma is doing on these nightly escapades. when he wakes up particularly rattled, he goes to you to find some comfort, if you're willing to provide.
*taken (jongin)

define normal + anyone (medial) + he knows he shouldn't interact with you, knows there's the potential for you to be put in danger, but yoshi craves normalcy so bad that he takes his chances. he's extra careful when he goes to see you, always watching his back, always covering his tracks, just to spend a bit of time being a completely normal human being for a few hours. you guys usually play games, talk, watch movies, etc. the things that friends typically do, and it is so freeing that sometimes yoshi never wants to leave.
*taken (yerim)

what a rotten core i have + anyone + for one particular reason or another yoshi has been tasked with getting close to you by having you perceive him as someone you are very close to (whether that is family, best friend, lover, ex-lover, etc. is up to you). he doesn't want to, but goes through with the plan, all the while feeling sick of himself as you look at him and think him someone else. *eventually, your character sees through/finds out that yoshi isn't who you've thought he was. how your character reacts is up to you.

research needed + anyone (medial) + while out on a mission and using his perception ability to appear as someone he's not, you approach yoshi for reasons up to. he could be pretending to be a doctor so you need medical advice, or he could be pretending to be a professor at a university and you need to ask a few questions. the main point is that you're asking yoshi something that he cannot answer, because he only "looks" that way to you, he doesn't actually know anything about the profession he's projecting. 
》― out of character !
name! melo
timezone! gmt-5 (est)
roleplay style! 3rdpov - para, semi & novella
(longer posts = slower replies)

notes! please don't ever poke me for a response, i don't forget, i just get busy or my muse crashes. i currently work part time so half of my days are usually taken up by that. i love plotting and winging (but if winging pls let me know any topics/tropes you want to avoid, and i'll do the same). if you want to plot, chat, etc. pls feel free to private message me. also, if i have any open starters, you can respond to them without asking as long as they haven't been taken by someone else. <3