Personal Message

Samuel Francis Kiszka was always well acquainted with the rural life of a homestead. It wasn't all he dreamed of, but it was something the man was damn good at. It became an escape, when his cultist parents who worshipped a facade of a religion imbued the wrong curse. When he was eight, Sam experienced his first transformation while on the run from the fat security personnel chasing him down for a couple cents worth of pie.
The entire week he'd been feeling queazy, after stumbling half-asleep into the parlor of one of Sam's parents infamous 'soirees.' The scenery was recognizeable but inherently disturbing, to the point where he'd summed up that it had to be fever dream. What actually happened that eve would haunt him, the memories becoming clearer as the days pass and wounding an already broken animal on the run. You see, Sam's family sacrificed a very important member of an underground society in hopes to garner wishes from a false idol. Instead, the farmer's own family was cursed for ten generations; to have each member's humanity revoked in a most surprising manner.
Now, Sam resides in this quaint town to hunker down and hopefully live out the rest of his life peacefully. He's honed the control over his sharp senses and transformation capabilities, but still struggles to dedicate himself to anything but the job. Day in, and day out the now twenty-three year old man tends to crops for a healthy serving of patrons, with hi speciality item being one of the hottest chilis on the market. The farming industry was perfect for a 'weregrine' like Sam, who was able to plunder rodent thieves and keep a watchful eye over his crop. 
Below the surface Sam can be a jovial goofball who may seem aloof and out-of-touch, but he will always maintain a keen eye on his placement and surroundings. His incredibly heightened senses are one primal instinct he hasn't managed to kick. Sam's highs are vivaciously high and his lows are never really lows, as he's always onto the next. A natural adrenal junkie often leads him into dangerous territory, but without a scar Samuel has nothing telling him to stop his risky - and often reckless - behavior.

Species: Weregrine (Were-Peregrine, specifically the peregrine falcon)
Age and Background: 23, rural homeschool in the midwest
Orientation + Availability: Straight and single

Sun & Moon Sign: Aries, Sagittarius
Activity Level & Muse: 6/10; very high
Other: Random tagged starters are my bread and butter. PMs are for plotting and
Searching for: Action, seedy but 'robin-hoodish' crime, familial (chosen or blood) connections

RP Tracker:
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House + Occupation
Samuel has always been the most adaptable person he's known, whether it has to do with his animal instincts or his upbringing, the man is a jack of all trades when it comes to off-the-grid-living. He made it to the city at 16, a runaway with a mindset too grown for his age, and planted himself on the outskirts of town, in a farm the country boy built from the soil up himself. Framing his design on a crumbling library book he never returned as a kid, Sam fixed himself a proper french-style cottage and a surrounding grove. It's not at all fancy, but it's free and fulfilling.