Personal Message

Lucas Yukhei Wong. Don't call me Yukhei if we not close. Slytherin cuz that's important. Senior, majoring in Robotics. Kickboxing is my sport. I fight for fun. Golden year 25. I have no orientation. Pronouns are that/guy. Loud Cool & Deliberate. Highkey I don't like people I promise you no jokes. Stays ready. 



grim reaper 28 seconds ago Reply
@lucas wong Welcome! Thank you for joining Nowhere University and entrusting them with your education. Someone hopes you'll enjoy yourself and take your studies very in seriously. No kizzy no KAP. You have been added to the school's student group chat. Say “what’s goooood baby!” and let your peers know who you are with a brief intro! But really nobody be readin the intros and nobody actually cares, but it’s the thought that matters!

If you have any questions or needs, please message the Student Needs Chat Bot and they will help you when they feel like helping you. Be patient.

Enjoy, From, Resident Grim Reaper ❤️


amy janet harvey2:59:41 PMReply


seb voice: right in front of my self care routine