Personal Message
INVENTORY & BADGES (hover for text)



go younjung。12:09:40 PMReply
a menace a day keeps the peace away, kook says.
gracie abrams。2:50:11 PMReply
jungkook confirmed to be one of the lizard people
im nayeon。6:07:25 PMReply
if you ever lose your food, find jungkook
gemini norawit。8:44:23 AMReply
kim junseo。10:34:41 AMReply
jungkook our main yapper ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
mark tuan。7:52:37 PMReply
He is the balance to my chaos
The sunshine to my darkness
The diet to my lifestyle

kim jinhwan。11:55:06 PMReply
rain rain go away, leave jungkook alone so he's dry everyday asdfghjk