
✱ NAME    ⸺  Kim Minjeong
✱ DATE OF BIRTH    ⸺  January 1, 2002
✱ CLAIM TO FAME    ⸺  aespa

✱ OC NAME    ⸺  Mia
✱ CODENAME    ⸺  Subject 13
✱ OC AGE + DOB    ⸺  21 years old, January 1, 2002
✱ SPECIES    ⸺  mutant human
✱ POWER    ⸺  Superstrength, Self-Healing
✱ WEAKNESSES    ⸺  dismemberment, drowning, mercury (when injected, it disrupts her her self-healing), fire
✱ CLASSIFICATION    ⸺  Villain
✱ ARCHETYPE    ⸺  The Prisoner
✱ MORAL ALIGNMENT    ⸺  Chaotic Neutral

✱ TIME ZONE    ⸺  gmt +8
✱ OOC AGE    ⸺  24


trigger warning: death and blood

In a clandestine laboratory hidden deep within the bowels of a sprawling metropolis, scientists toiled away on their dark experiments. Their goal? To push the boundaries of human potential, to unlock the secrets of genetic manipulation, and to create the ultimate weapon. Among the subjects of their twisted experiments was Subject 13. She was born in the sterile confines of the laboratory, her origins shrouded in mystery and cruelty. From the moment she could comprehend the world around her, Subject 13 knew nothing but pain and suffering.

Subject 13 was not like the other artificially bred orphans in the lab. While some showed promising signs of enhanced intellect or agility, Subject 13 displayed something far more terrifying - raw, unbridled power. Through a series of grueling and inhumane experiments, she developed superhuman strength and an astonishing ability to heal from even the most grievous wounds.

A lone female scientist, whose heart had not been entirely consumed by the pursuit of power and control, found herself drawn to Subject 13 in a way that defied explanation. Despite the risks, she dared to show kindness to the young girl, offering solace in a world devoid of warmth. She became Subject 13's lifeline, the one who tended to her wounds and offered words of comfort in moments of despair.

As the days passed, the bond between the scientist and Subject 13 grew stronger. The scientist, whose name was Dr. Emily Greene, saw something within the girl that the others failed to recognize - a spark of humanity amidst the darkness. Dr. Greene took it upon herself to educate Subject 13 about the world beyond the laboratory walls, describing the beauty of nature, the wonder of the stars, and the simple joys of life that had been denied to her. She taught Subject 13 how to write her own name, a symbol of her newfound identity and autonomy.

But Subject 13 was nameless, a blank slate upon which others had projected their ambitions and desires. In a rare moment of tenderness, Dr. Greene bestowed upon her a name - Mia. It was a name filled with warmth and kindness, a reminder that she was more than just a subject of experimentation, but a person deserving of love and compassion. Under Dr. Greene's guidance, Mia began to blossom. She learned to see the world through new eyes, to cherish the moments of joy and connection amidst the pain and suffering. And though she knew that her path would be fraught with challenges, she faced the future with a newfound sense of hope and determination.

But as Mia's powers continued to grow, so too did the danger that surrounded her. The scientists' ambitions knew no bounds, and they would stop at nothing to harness her abilities for their own nefarious purposes. In the end, it was Dr. Greene's unwavering belief in Mia's humanity that would ultimately set her free. As chaos engulfed the laboratory and Mia's rebellion began, Dr. Greene stood by her side, a beacon of hope in the darkness.

On the eve of her eighteenth birthday, Mia stood at the precipice of freedom, her heart filled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Dr. Greene had made the bold decision to defy her superiors, determined to grant Mia the chance at a life beyond the confines of the laboratory. As Mia prepared to embark on her journey to freedom, she felt a sense of gratitude and admiration towards the woman who had shown her kindness in a world filled with darkness. Dr. Greene's selfless act of defiance had given Mia hope for a better future, and she vowed to honor her memory by making the most of her newfound freedom.

But fate had other plans in store. As Mia and Dr. Greene made their escape, they were confronted by a group of armed guards, their weapons trained on the pair with deadly intent. In a split-second decision, Dr. Greene stepped forward, shielding Mia from harm as bullets rained down upon them. Mia watched in horror as Dr. Greene fell to the ground, her lifeblood staining the cold, sterile floor. In that moment, something inside Mia snapped. The rage that had simmered beneath the surface for so long erupted into a maelstrom of fury and grief.

With a primal roar, Mia unleashed her pent-up power upon her assailants, her strength and ferocity unmatched. She tore through the ranks of guards with ease, her blows fueled by a thirst for vengeance unlike anything she had ever felt before. As the chaos unfolded around her, Mia cradled Dr. Greene's lifeless body in her arms, tears streaming down her face as she whispered a final farewell to the woman who had shown her kindness in a world filled with cruelty.

With a heavy heart and a burning desire for justice, Mia made her escape from the laboratory, leaving behind a trail of destruction in her wake. She knew that her journey would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but she was determined to honor Dr. Greene's sacrifice by forging her own path in the world. And as she disappeared into the night, her heart heavy with grief yet filled with determination, Mia vowed to never forget the woman who had given her the greatest gift of all - the gift of freedom.

As Subject 13 emerged from the ruins of the laboratory, her heart heavy with grief and her mind consumed by rage, she gazed upon the world with newfound clarity. In the wake of Dr. Greene's sacrifice, Mia shed her former identity and embraced the mantle of Subject 13, a name that would strike fear into the hearts of those who had wronged her. But Subject 13's ambitions went far beyond mere revenge. She had witnessed firsthand the cruelty and oppression inflicted upon the powerless by those who wielded power without mercy. And she vowed to tear down the corrupt system that had created her, brick by brick.

Driven by her burning desire for justice and fueled by her formidable powers, Subject 13 embarked on a campaign of destruction unlike anything the world had ever seen. With each act of defiance, she struck fear into the hearts of those who had once held her captive, her strength and ferocity unmatched. But beneath her steely exterior lay a deep-seated longing for acceptance and love. Subject 13 yearned to be seen as more than just a monster, to find a place in a world that had rejected her from the moment she was born. And yet, she knew that her actions had painted her as a villain in the eyes of society.

But even as Subject 13's power grew, so too did the weight of her actions. She knew that she could never truly find redemption for the lives she had taken and the destruction she had wrought. And yet, she refused to give up hope that one day, she might find a place where she could belong, accepted and loved for who she truly was.

For Subject 13 was more than just a villain - she was a symbol of defiance, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. And though her path was fraught with peril, she would continue to fight for a world where justice and compassion reigned supreme, no matter the cost.