Personal Message

very sensitive back of neck

can only sit in Jay's lap


Biker gang/mob plot:

mob boss' pet turned lover. I think your top would be higher up than Atticus. He would be the boss boss in my head. Like he wiped out some other mob/biker gang, found my dude (the last shirtless one I sent you all tatted up) and takes him as his prize and at first it's just all and yay I won you and didn't kill you like the rest so you belong to me, but then feelings get involved and they end up loving each other and being a badass power couple


Oh ya I was picturing him as the head either started the gang or inherited from his father. Sounds good to me, though despite being a power couple, the top doesn't mind reminding his baby boy he can manhandle him all over the room and his smart boy into mindless bliss XD