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i want you to stay here...
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27 yo
alpha; imugi (korean lesser dragon); magnolia & sandalwood
imugi cha eunwoo.
The Imugi emerges as a captivating creature within Korean mythology. Frequently characterized as a lesser dragon or proto-dragon, this mythical being bears a striking resemblance to a massive serpent, exuding an aura of benevolence. Amidst the diverse entities that populate Korean mythology, the Imugi distinguishes itself as a mesmerizing and enigmatic serpent-like entity. Often portrayed as either a giant serpent or dragon, the Imugi occupies a distinct niche in Korean folklore, captivating minds with its mysterious essence and engaging narratives.

Imugis are commonly illustrated as sizable, python-like beings, often dwelling in aquatic environments or caves. Despite their serpentine visage, these creatures are believed to wield the extraordinary ability of transformation, capable of shape-shifting into human forms or assuming the guise of other creatures. Described as serpents or dragons of remarkable size and length, the Imugi presents a majestic and formidable appearance, adorned with scales that glisten like precious jewels and eyes that shimmer with otherworldly wisdom. Certain accounts even suggest the presence of multiple heads, each representing distinct facets of its personality or power. The serpentine form of the Imugi holds profound symbolism, underscoring its inherent connection to water, a pivotal element within the tapestry of Korean mythology.

Imugis are linked to auspiciousness, recognized as benevolent spirits of water and caves. As creatures believed to possess the power of transformation into various forms, Imugis hold a special place in Korean folklore. The acquisition of a Yeouiju is said to bestow upon an Imugi the blessings of omnipotence and the ability to create at will. According to the rich tapestry of Korean folklore, an Imugi does not originate as a dragon but must undergo a transformative process to attain its ultimate form. The legend narrates that the Imugi must reside in a cave for a millennium, absorbing the energies of both the earth and heavens, before achieving the esteemed status of a genuine dragon.

Eunwoo's imugi is associated with protection, goodluck, healing abilities onto others, lakes and caves. He's calm and collective yet outspoken and bold in all he does, a flirt and a charming one at that. 
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kim mingyu ⁱⁿᶜᵘᵇᵘˢ [A]11:14:00 PMReply

bc you're pretty @eunwo