Personal Message

time for reading.

she's become one with the table.

he wanted to read a book today,                            so she lays flat on the table,                                  listening to the various vibrations of his reading.

she knows not to disturb others reading,        so she counts the pages as they turn,       listens to the occasional sniffle,                            pictures the shape of his throat as he takes a gulp of tea,                                                            and imagines his form sitting to her ten o'clock as much as she likes.

being next to each other is what's important.

even though he loves reading books,      scanning over the letters apparently can get tiring.

so she secretly feels obliged to be a source of healing for his eyes when they wander.

she clearly feels him put down the book and also hears his breathing relax.

"are you asleep?"

he's probably peering this way.

she shows her best sleeping face.

a little laughter tickles her nose.


her monologue,

i heard a voice at my feet,                                        the next moment, it came from the sky.

soft and hot, like a wool blanket, the same sincerity.

in any case, he was a smoker.

his arms impregnated with the smell of tobacco.

i wondered if it was written all on over my face that i ran away from home.

he must've guessed that i didn't know                  where i was going either.

no, no, not that.

i had had enough of driving around in a car.

i wanted to walk for a bit.

when i'm rested, i will phone home.

"if you're able to leave, don't let us stop you!" my sister told me.

well, i'm looking forward for what they'll say about this. i'm big enough to live how i want after all.

i'm not scared of adventure.

the servants doing everything, going around the garden but no more...

don't forget your stick, don't go over there, and over there it's dangerous...

and no one tell me what's beautiful.

and i want to discover the city, to start with, that should keep me busy for a while.


my god, did i scream?

"thankfully, you ran into me, but you shouldn't follow the first person you stumble into..."

should you not trust people's voices?

my, he shouldn't worry.

i have good ears.