Personal Message



Choi Jonghyun 



Date of Birth: November 16, 1995

Nickname: Changjo, 

Height: 179 cm

Relationship Status: Taken 

About Me: Grew up in a town where there were actually many people with powers. Lived a pretty average life except for that fact that he was gay. When he was younger he could hide it pretty well but when he started liking a guy in his class he couldn't hide it as well. When he told the guy he like that he liked him he was flat out rejected and laughed at by everyone around him. It broke his heart but he managed to never show that part of him to anyone. Once he starts liking some one he will be very happy around them but if he finds out that they like some one else he will pull back and stop talking to them as much. Once the other person has the same feelings towards him he will become flirty and end up stealing a few kisses even if they haven't started dating yet.

More InformationI'm a Fire Manipulator and a Healer. I've learned how to shapeshift into a puppy and a kitten.

Important people:

Ricky <3