Personal Message

 ( `wu yifan ) – ( `19 ) – ( `student )

 music and english major


Kris, otherwise known as Wufan, was brought up by his grandparents after his mother and father both committed suicide. Their deaths were only a few months apart and it became too much for Kris to handle. His grandparents treated him as well as they could, of course, living with a traumatized teenager suffering from bipolar and selective mutism can be quite the hassle. At age 18, both Kris's grandparents became too old to take care of him so they enrolled him in Opium, letting Kris finally have some control in his life.



Kris now spends most of his time writing music or short stories. He often sends his stories to be published, however they're always sent back with the note of 'What the is wrong with you? Stop sending us these'. As for his musical pieces, Kris prefers to keep those to himself as they are they only way he can express his true feelings.