Personal Message


Don’t confuse my attitude with my personality. My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.


                                                              — Min, Miss A


Min sat on her bed, alone in the cabin, and traced her finger across the cover of an old notebook that had belonged to her best friend. That is, before he died. A memory rushed into her mind from when she was thirteen as she slowly opened the cover.

/Min bit her lip as the pit scorpion lashed its tail, poison oozing threateningly out of the stinger. She raised her dagger and ducked out of its reach as it jumped and whipped its tail towards her again.
'That thing is going to kill me!' she screamed in her head, as she already had seen what its poison did to her now-dead friends.
A shadow appeared out of the corner and an armor-clad boy a few years older than her jumped out, slicing the scorpion in half and disintegrating it to the fine yellow dust that had always appeared after a monster was killed. He straightened, not a hair out of place, and turned to Min. Seeing her terrified eyes, dirty clothes, and sunken face, he held out his arms. With a sob, Min rushed into his embrace and cried as if she were six years old all over again.\

Now that she was 18. Five years after she had joined Camp Half-Blood. Half a year since her best and only friend, the one who took care of her since she was 13, died. The one who was killed by a Sphinx trying to protect her.
She was used to being alone by now. Used to being betrayed by those who she thought were her "friends." Used to being ignored by everyone whenever she sat timidly at the edge of the crowd at every night's campfire.
It all gave her the persona of a quiet and anti-social girl, a persona that covered her interior dagger skills, her short temper, and her aching heart.
And it hurt a lot to disguise it.



My name's lee minyoung, but call me min
Fell on this Earth June twenty-first, nineteen ninety-four
A midget at 161 cm
and a feather at 49 kg
blood type is A
Member of the Greek family at Camp Half-Blood

Amazing skills with the dagger

A short temper

A lost friend

And a broken heart


Min lost her best friend half a year ago in a mission.

Her parents live all the way  in the rainy state of Washington, hardly noticing that she is gone

She's always been that one quiet girl that is hard to get emotional responses from

Don't pick a fight with her in her worst moments, because you probably will end up with a stab wound somewhere

But the real question is, can you wash down her protected heart?


Eargasm - One Shot {} Eyecandy - *** {} Mood - Brooding {} Thoughts - I have no friends
Eating - Ambrosia {} Drinking - Nector



Status: Single | Taken | Married
Orientation: Straight | Bi | Homo

His name is ***** and our nice aniversary is on **/**/****, don't ever
disturb us on that day. -


namjas - | name | name | name |
yeojas - | name | name | name |

Well, hell, I have no friends...

Want to be on here? Try breaking down my walls and warming up my heart first.


min     fei         jia       suzy

Treasure Island