Personal Message



† About thiscutie

                   Reen is a cute boy. He is one of the new recruit boy for a new boy idol band group.


(under. co)



Name: Azreen Danish

Age:  16

Stage name: Reen

Position: Lead Dancer

Birthdate: 8/8/1997

Birthplace: KualaLumpur, Malaysia

Ethnicity: Half Korean

Languages spoken: Hanguk, English, Japanese, Mandarin, Malay

Timezone: GMT 8+







 { }{ }{ }  

eargasm; Boyfriend:Janus

eyegasm; nothing atm

mood; bored /pouts

craving; hmm..strawberry!!

mind; boyfriend?


→shy, trust someone easily, cute and adorable once you know him, easily got tired , naive, like strawberry so much, likes magic, easy to be trick

→afraid of injection, snakes and bugs, don't know how to swim and afraid of water (lake, sea etc), hate onions and garlic,

whatislove ?

{orientation} - gay

{status} - single; with someone

{date}- no one atm