Personal Message

Hello! I'm Kyla, the NICE one. Well, I mean, the nice GIRL of this group. I really really love my pink war suit, andI painted it myself!


Kyla is 5ft 4in, her hair is brown with (dyed) purple streaks.

Kyla (Kai-lah) is a very preppy, semi-stupid girl who only joined the Mass to make everyone look better.

She is in love with fashion, and tells everyone what the dos and don'ts are of fashion in the Mass.

She loves hanging out with Abby, and loves to talk about cool things she could do with her war suit- though she never listens.

Nathan is probably the cutest guy in the Mass, (in Kyla's own words,) and he's sweet and nice too.

She can't stand Kyle though, so she tries to point out everything wrong about his fashion sense.