Personal Message


 Im Yuri
Hello~ I'm the weird girl named Im Yuri, but I go by Yull so call me that, kay? I don't think I'm boring and believe it or not, I almost always have something to talk about. I'm a friendly person and I bet you are too so be my friend! I love to making friends, become my friend so I can add you here~ Ciao! ♥
-Height: 171cm
-Hobbies: Shopping, Watching Movies
-Skills: Cooking
-Languages: Spanish, Korean, Very slight French, English
-Orientation: Biual
-Songs: 2BiC- I Am In Love; Lim Kim- Voice
-Status: Single; Not Looking
-Favorite Number: 7
-Ideal: A really funny guy who is sweet, loving, dresses nicely, and has nice hair.





























It's Just Me