Personal Message


character revamp — typist has dropped all past rp threads. myungsoo still has the same background story, while his personality is tweaked a bit.

present storyline — basically, to explain myungsoo's absence during the past few months, he ventured in the underworld and got trapped in tartarus. being mischievous enough, he discovers information (w/c will be specified soon) that he's not supposed to know about the underworld, so hades (npc for now) had to trap him in there for a while... which resulted to a two-month vacation in his realm. hades had agreed to set him free but in exchange for one thing. myungsoo was not allowed to know which thing it is so he easily agrees, not knowing that it's his memory that will be wiped clean. he wakes up in his cabin, without the knowledge of his adventures in the underworld. with selective amnesia, he just knows the basics: he is a hades kid who stays in camp half-blood. all of the relationships he has made in camp has been wiped as well. every memory he has made his six-year stay in camp half-blood is gone, for only hades knows how long. however, he remembers all of the events & relationships prior to joining camp half-blood.

new threads — 1) to the people who have roleplayed with me before my character revamp: please tell me if you want to start a new thread with our pre-established relationship. basically, when they meet after myungsoo woke up, your character will know myungsoo, but myungsoo won't know yours. 2) to the people who haven't roleplayed with me, ever: we're going to roleplay normally. characters don't know each other.


availability ▲ gmt +8. available mostly weeknights and weekends. i am a graduating student, and basically i have things to accomplish so i will not be online everyday.

plotting ▲ i'd rather not wing things as this is an au rp. i have plots below, and if nothing fits your character, feel free to chat me up so we can come up with a plot.

etiquette ▲ make sure to remember these and we'll get along very well: 1) don't rush me, 2) do not plagiarize my works, and lastly, 3) you ask, you start.

writing style ▲ semi-para to novella. basically it just depends on whether i have creative juices flowing at the moment or not.



R // KRYSTAL 〈 armory 〉
R // SUNGGYU 〈 underworld 〉
P // JIA  〈 location 〉
R // NAEUN 〈 cabin 13 〉
☐ // name 〈 location 〉
☐ // name 〈 location 〉  




Fear, Belief, Love. Phenomena that
determine the course of our lives


THE PERSONA. Painting his way of life has always been an easy task for Kim Myungsoo—albeit the canvas being inevitably messy and touched upon without permission by what they call the Fates, the demigod retains the great sense of control and direction that he has acquired ever since living independently. Unlike the stereotypical children from broken families who would like to think of themselves as vulnerable and helpless, he would rather look at himself highly than have the reputation of a sullen, depressed person. He is a walking contradictory, among other things—as a teen, Myungsoo had a way with words and young romance, but would choose having the façade of an introvert rather than swallow fame and vomit it later on in regret. How he survived the dreary, extremely menacing growing up process? It’s his quixotic way of thinking—that he will always live in the ‘better day’ man is constantly searching for.

THE STORY. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Com sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt.


AGE 22
H/W/B 180CM/60kg/O



disclaimer i am in no affiliation with kim myungsoo and woollim entertainment, nor i am not claiming to be the real kim myungsoo. roleplay purposes only.






+ plots.

plot 01 [ rival by blood. | open. 0/1. m/f. Greek + Hades kid. ] This person has been a good friend for a long, long time before the rivalry ensued. To Myungsoo's surprise, the other had already been starting to develop some jealousy without his knowledge. Their relationship was smooth sailing after they've known each other, until one felt the need to overpower the other. Would they be able to bring an end to this?

plot 02 [ dearest. | Naeun ] Myungsoo was so timid, not even interested in romance in his younger years, but who would have thought he could find someone who knew how to love him for who he was? Initially, Myungsoo thought he wouldn't be given a chance on love for the rest of his short demigod life, just because children of Hades had always appeared so dark, mysterious, and undesirable to everyone. But here she is, day by day, making the son of underworld god see himself struck with all sorts of her charms.

plot 03 [ nothing but fleeting. | open. 0/1. f. Greek/Roman. ] The relationship had been disclosed long ago, even before Myungsoo knew of his origin. But of course, she can't be forgotten in a matter of years, because the demigod simply knows he'll remember her for the rest of his life. She's the first girl he has ever laid his eyes on—his first love. The camp is the last place Myungsoo would ever expect to find her, but then again, the Fates can spare a wee bit of playfulness for him at any time. And here he is, confronting someone who he thought he'd be with for the rest of his life. Would they be closing doors once and for all, or would flames be rekindled one more time?

plot 04 [ the best buddy. | open. 0/1. m/f. ] Of all the friends Myungsoo has made during his stay in Camp Half-Blood, he/she's solely the person the demigod trusts with all of his secrets and shares all of his thoughts with. This friend is someone who surprisingly understands him more than Kim Myungsoo himself, especially when the latter is troubled with all sorts of problems.

plot 05 [ pals from the past. | open. 0/2. m/f. Greek/Roman. ] Myungsoo spent a lot of time (literally) in the mortal world, being brought to the camp at a late age, and for the many years outside he sure had encountered different types of people. But, not any single one with a godly parent. Or so he thinks... Because at camp, he meets some friends who he never thought were half-bloods, too. Oh, well, this calls for a lovely reunion.

plot 06 [ combat mentors. | open. 0/2. m/f. Greek. ] He was never fond of physical training—well, volleyball was an exception. (That's not the point, actually.) Though, seriously, do you expect a Hades kid to excel in all sorts of combat activities? No, right? Well, Myungsoo was sure he's never going to improve in any of those. But whatever, he needed to cope, so he had to continue hoping he'd be able to enhance his skills. And when fate deems him lucky to meet them, his training seniors, he's given a chance to put Skia into use. (He sure was blessed a sword for a goddamned reason, anyway.)

plot 07 [ title. | status. 0/1. G. RACE. ] UNDER CONSTRUCTION.

plot 08 [ kiddos. | open. 0/2. m/f. Greek. ] They're the ones who totally enjoy Myungsoo being an older brother. They're just around to bug him out, ask him to treat them, or just plainly hang out with him. Though they could be a little bit annoying, he still dotes on them because they are his trusted comrades as well.

plot 09 [ tension just heightened. | open. 0/1. m/f. Greek. ] More often than not, Myungsoo is in good terms with the people he has interacted with. But of course, he can't just eliminate the ones who secretly loathe him and push them out of his way. All hell breaks loose when they get both pissed off by each other's insults, and it all comes down to being rivals. Oh, forget the damn cool Myungsoo has been keeping for so long.

plot 10 [ unrequited. | open. 0/1. f. Greek/Roman. ] They were surprisingly fast friends in camp, but to Myungsoo's confusion, this girl had ultimately developed feelings for him. He keeps saying he's a boring, lazy, uninteresting person, but she would always see him as the opposite—he is interesting, gentle, sweet, almost unlike a brooding Hades kid. He was a prince, seemingly intangible, but to his eyes, he was no princess. Friends, that is all they would ever be.


+ abilities.

ADHD + Dyslexia.  Myungsoo has innate aptitude for surviving and fighting in battles, like a lot of his fellow demigods. He can read Ancient Greek but has difficulty understanding written text in other languages.

Geokinesis. Like most of Hades’ offsprings, Myungsoo has control over the earth. He can make crevices, manipulate various sizes of rocks, and cause powerful, destructive earthquakes.

Ferrokinesis. Myungsoo has sensitivity to precious metals and jewels and other types of riches from under the ground. He can manipulate them as well. If he stays in a certain ground for too long, they just pop out uncontrollably.

Necromancy. Myungsoo can communicate with the deceased, summon and put them to sleep. However, summoning can easily wear him out and may even lead to the demigod's sudden unconsciousness. Aside from the souls, he can also control ghosts and skeleton warriors. This ability includes having natural knowledge of the Underworld.

Death Sense. He can easily sense when a person is dying or when it is coming.

Mild Dark Pyrokinesis. Myungsoo can slightly control black hellfire. Hellfire can turn whatever it touches to liquid. This is very hard to do and since he just recently discovered it, he rarely uses it.

Umbrakinesis. He has the ability to manipulate darkness, turn them into solid for surrounding the enemy. This includes shadow travelling, and using shadows for shields and invisibility.



+ inventory.

Skiá (σκιά, pl. σκιές) A full-length Stygian Iron sword given by Myungsoo's protector before he was sent to Camp Half-Blood. He uses it mostly to perform necromancy, because his sword-fighting skills are, well... not the best.

Skiá (σκιά, pl. σκιές) A full-length Stygian Iron sword given by Myungsoo's protector before he was sent to Camp Half-Blood. He uses it mostly to perform necromancy, because his sword-fighting skills are, well... not the best.