Personal Message



 My Story....My History....
Whatever you want to call it, began 600 years ago. The world then was no different from the world now, diffrent people just run it. Chaos reigned then and it still reigns. I don't care though. Bring on the chaos, the more the better. I have no use for a sedentary lifestyle. I'm too old for that. Who am I? Your worst nightmare. I'm the thing you are most afraid of. I relish this. It gives me power, strength, immortality. I'm a Vampire born of Vampires. I have very few people that I care about in this world. I'm not going to tell you who those few people are. You can ask; it will only piss me off though. I will tell you this though, those few people, with them and I will you up. This is my motto. I live by this. Don't like it? I don't care.

I don't live on earth. I visit quite often; the blood here is some of the best, but I don't live here. So if the earth is going to hell in a tiny hand basket, again, I don't care. I'll be sitting on the front lines watching the battle. Wanna be a part of my inner circle? Go ahead try. I won't stop you from trying. You'll fail. But at least I would have had fun watching you give it your all. Humans? They mean very little to me. They are a source of blood. Nothing more nothing less. Will I feel sorry if they died? Does a human feel sorry for the cow they killed so they can have meat? I have lived and done more things than any body can ever claim and I intend to keep on doing that. So don't get in my way.



                                                                         To those I love:
Stay by my side or die. I have chosen a side...Goodbye earth
Hello New Order~~