Personal Message




                              → mood ★★☆ 

             → eyegasm | Minho

                              → eargasm | 1000 years always by your side








Me? Lee Taemin a sassy, yet utterly adorable 19 year old. i get what i want so don't test me, im very smart and won't hesitate to use my Secret weapon on anyone i choose, -what is that you ask?- its my undeniable Aegyo, i melt hearts and with one look you'll be in the palm of my pretty little hands. be ware~. i LOVE banana milk its my obsession i need it to live -not really but thats how much i love it duh!- sooooo anyway if you want to know more about me just come talk to me arasseo~!






My love my yeobo, my life, my everything.

hyung you don't know how happy i was -and still am-

when you said you loved me, i still remember that day like it just happened

 no matter hwat happens im ready to take it if you're by my side.

i wish i could tell you how much i love you but theres not enough words to

so i'll just settle for I LOVE YOU 






Minho| Key|




-----About Me~!


Age: 19

orrientation: GAY                                                          

Position: Slave

Status: single|| not looking|| don't care|| Happily Taken









@SM playboy mansion