





kim minseok

it's alright

everything will be alright, you'll see





eyegasm; none  eargasm; none  mood; tired

thoughts; no comment

single; biual; not looking




he's one of the peacemakers. obviously, he would always try his best to help people out, despite the slight awkwardness he feels when

interacting with strangers. but he tries. he's a bit of a softie, most of the time he gives in to people's wants, take care of them. he doesn't like

confrontations much, but if it helps in the long run, he will still do it. his confidence is a bit on the downside, though.

it's not in him to hold grudges or stay mad at people for long--if he ever gets mad, that is.



death sight

it's uncomfortable--sensing death. it creeps up his spine, whispers into his ears, turning his breathing haggard. he hates it. hates it when he can

feel that someone's dying right at that very moment, hates it when he sees a person and just know that they'll be gone soon, and he absolutely

hates feeling helpless to help. and so most of the time he just ignores it and closes his eyes; and hopes it would pass.



nothing much, really. he especially enjoys it when something turns to ice beneath his touch, and he finds the coolness comforting.


wish granting

his most least used gift. he doesn't like to use it--especially for his own good. he knows close to nothing about it--finds it very risky. he doesn't

know what will happen if he keeps on using it, because he believes that this gift will have its own repercussions one day. he will only use it when

someone is in dire need of help, and even then it would be his final choice.









-the important people in my life-








     profile credit; b&s






1. 3rd-Multi-para/mirror

2. GMT+8

3. One-liners after I give you a lot is just insulting. Please no.

4. I love you all. Muah muah.

5. OOC is lonely. Please talk to me. Muah muah.