
✼ Race ↝ Vampire

✼ Age(Both human and real) ↝ 18 (human) 155 (vampire)

✼ Password ↝ neko

✼ Bio ↝ Kibum looks childish and innocent but run into him in a dark alley and you may not live to tell the tale. He is a rather quiet kid until you get to know him the he's loud and childish. He is protective and can be very persuasive if he has to be. And behind the innocent eyes is a dark secret no one would ever dear to uncover.

✼ Past ↝ When Kibum was little my parents dumped me at on orphanage. I was a baby when that happened. While Kibum was in the orphanage the older kids and the teachers and helpers used to touch me in dirty ways. They would came into his room in the middle of the night and me. That continued to happen until he turned 15 when a men came to the orphanage and bought him (no not adopt bought) and used him as a slave. He was abusive and managed to make it so that he was scared to leave when he grew tired of him he sold him to another man and that process just kept going. he was sold and bought over and over again my many different rich men.

Think of every and any torture devise.. Kibum has had it used on him. Shot, stabbed, beaten, , chained, whipped, bound, gaged, whatever you can think of he's had it. He's had it done so much he's used to it. If he misbehaves he expects to be punished.