Personal Message
        "if i sleep now, i can dream. if i stay awake, a dream can come true"
         (Cho Kyuhyun)
                       Cho Kyuhyun  02.3.89   155 cm  64 klg  blood type A
       ✼BioKyuhyun is quiet and closed off, but if you get to know him, he'll open up a little. He has trust and love issues, but they can be fixed over time with the right help, just don't hurt him more then he already is. He looks 18, but is really 357, he was turned at a rather young age, making his childhoodvery difficult, but that made him who he is today.
       PastKyuhyun was a happy boy as a kid, he had many friends and was really outgoing. But one day he went with some friends to the woods to drink and smoke, soon they saw flashing light, it was the police. In a mad dash to esacpe, kyuhyun went his own way from everyone else and ended up getting lost. As he wondered, trying to find his way home, he heard a strange noise and went to investigate, tha was a big mistake. What he found, more like what found him, was a vampire. In an attempt to escape, the vampire grabbed him and bit him on the arm. Once being realeased by the vampires grasp, Kyuhyun ran for it, not sure what direction, he just ran, finally he made it home. He didn't tell anyone about what happended, not even the friends that he went with. Going to his room he looked at his arm, the bite marks were gone, but he could feel something different within him, he was starting to not act like himself. Going on with everyday life soon became a challage for him, unable to take it anymore, he came to a conclusion, he wasn't a noremal boy anymore. Unsure of what to do, he left his family and everything behind, all he had was a small bag of cloating and a few bathroom supplys. At the age of 18 all this happened to him, he was no longer happy, he was no longer himself.
          Leaving everything behind was not easy for him, he missed his friends derly, but there was someone he missed more then anyone, his lover. Now that he's no longer human he can't remember who he was, only that there was someone, if on;y something or someone could help spark his memmory. He would always watch his lover even after he turned, but after a few decades, he lost him and has been unable to find him.
            ear candy; 2Ne1- Falling in Love  eye candy; enter  mood;❤❤❤   thoughts; enter
        profile credit; 在一起很开心< /span>