Personal Message
 flowers bloom in the dark,
a ray of moonlight is on the sea
HUANG ZI TAO - 930402 - 183cm - WOLF
Tao's past was actually fairly good one with loving parents who taught him how to be a good person, sweet and loving but that was until his werewolf side came out. His parents knew it would come but didn't know just how soon. They tried to teach him how to control his werewolf side - he just couldn't control it though. When in wolf form, he's snarky, protective and a skilled fighter. 
he's my beautiful black pearl
SINGLE - HOMOUAL - looking for somebody
Become his though and he'll protect you with his life. He doesn't allow people to mess with the ones he loves.





[ ooc time; ]

- i love plots e u e  /although i  don't have ideas most the time ; a ;

- uhm uhm when i'm not replying that either means i'm watching a drama /drama addict/ or i'm getting to you

- sometimes i don't see wall posts so please feel free to poke me o u o

- just don't poke too much, k? ; u ;

- no one liners e n e please ; - ; i have no clue how to reply to them and sometimes i may just skip over them

- orz i'm a slow replier sometimes but that means i'm clearly watching a drama or variety show ^ u ^

- i'm a very friendly person ooc so feel free to spam my inbox with your lub ;3