Personal Message

__eargasm:  The GazettE - Cassis  __eyegasm: A pair of beautiful baby twins __craving:  Sushi  __thoughts:  I found a new place in this world by your side













__relationship status  Taken

__ideal type  An overly worried and cute shaman

__-Orientation-  Gay

__-The one who got my heart-  Kyu~


Suzuki Akira is a 22 year old man, or better say he is a wolf. He is a silent person.
Most people think he is cold-hearted.
But that is not true, he is a rather soft-hearted person in the end.
It's his past that made him act as if he is such a bastard.
He is better known by his nickname Reita.
He loves music, silent places and full moon nights.
His dream, honestly, is actually to destroy those who caused him to have such a bad life.
Having the powers of a wolf make him think he can achive that goal.
If he gets out of the mansion of course.


Reita, a semi-demon, grew up in a Japanese Ghetto. His mother died when he was young.
His father raised the young, rather rebelious boy on his own.
Reita's father had loads of debts. Debts that he had to pay back to the Japanese mafia.
Though Reita at the age of 16 had started to work instead of continuing school they
weren't able to pay back and at the age of 20 Reita lost his father as well.
He himself managed to flee to South Korea somehow where he worked in nightclubs.
But this life wasn't save enough.
One day a weird man appeared at his work place. Telling Reita he'd know what he was
Reita decided to follow that guy.
That way he arrived at the mansion.



I'll love you tomorrow, and the year after.

[Kyuhyun] - [Youngjae] - [name]


咖啡  layoutshop 


Reita's wolf form:
He's a white wolf with yellowish eyes and a (mostly) messy furr.

Reita's sweet angels: Akio and Seika

Akio's and Seika's little friends: Chocolate and Manju





- I changed Reita's age, he's 10 years younger than he actually is! (I didn't want him to be so damn old.)
- I've loads of things to do for school...
- I can write 1st and 3rd PoV, prefering 3rd PoV
- Don't ask 'Do you want to RP', just leave a starter! Only if you HAVE AN IDEA FOR A PLOT, ask.
- Prefer RPing wall to wall.
- Reita's mood will mostly depend on my own RL mood.
- TimeZone: +1
- If I don't reply REMEMBER ME!
- If you don't reply I'll remember you three times, geting burried or forgotten a forth time means you don't want to RP with me anymore.