Personal Message

- 1st and 3rd pov both okay. but there had to happen something interesting or my post will get shorter

- I'm to lazy to logout so don't get fouled by the online sign.
- Little drama always welcome. to make it interesting
I have DYSLEXIA so im sorry for any gramma mistakes. and english is NOT my mother language.
- Please DO NOT ignore me. don't wane rp anymore? please say it. so we can stop or change the plot.
- I'm not really a fan anymore so ask me. i can say yes or no. i really have to be in the mood to do it. so if i don't reply you but others it's because i'm not in the mood for .
- If we plot that our characters will get to get together. please stay to that and don't lie to me. i hate liers.
- And as last, i have a hard time in RL so please accapt the fact that i can be gone for a few days. (don't mean too) 





[Mood:❤❤❤❤❤  ]
[Eyecandy: my lover and his twins ]
[Thoughts: I'm a shaman what you gone do about that umm..?]
[Likes: gaming / eating and drinking wine with friends / singing / walking in the city looking at people's daily lives / loves being around Reita and the twins / -- 

[age: 22]

[Creature: Shaman ]

Story: Kyu grow up in a little village with his grandparents and friends. When he was 8 he came to the discover he had a special gift. That he get from his perants, but they died when he was younger.
He is a Shaman.
His grandfather told him everything he had to know. 
he learned how to sommon demon's and how to control them.
but one time when he was 18 it went wrong.
he sommoned a demon that was hell itself. he got wounded badly on his chest, and had layed for almost 4 months in the hospital.
his wounds never wanted to heal.
it's curesed.
he went traveling al over the world looking for medication that could heal his wounds but nothing helped.
he stoped traveling now and makes the mansion his new home.
he gives up on healing his chest. he now knows it's a cures he has to live with for the rest of his life.




Status: Single -  merried  - crushing - broken - looking - not looking
Orantitation: gay
Sinds: 09 Feb 2014

