Personal Message
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as long as you're not dead, your life isn't the end.
Growing up, Sehun was always the perfect child and i mean that quite literally. He had perfect grades in every class, was in nearly every academics club and sports club that his school offered, had the boyish good looks that girls and guys alike would fall for and the perfect boy-next-door personality. it was hard for most who met him to not like him. In his parents eyes, he was literally an angel sent from heaven and they couldn't be any more proud of him. The perfect, well behaved and straight son. But all good things come to an end, don't they? and Sehuns ending.. well, it was the end of his perfect life and the beginning of his new, criminal one.

How did it happen you ask? Sehun was just at the tender age of seventeen and hadn't yet experienced love when he came along. A new student in school who was mysterious, intimidating and had a bad boy attitude. Sehun didn't expect fall for a person who wore leather and studs, someone who rode a motorcycle, someone who was male and went by the name Park Jimin. Alas, things never go as planned and Sehun found himself falling completely in love with this gangster. When his parents found out about his crush, they screamed at him for hours until they did what some parents did; they ignored the issue and refused to talk about anything other then finding Sehun a wife.
This nearly destroyed Sehun. His parents didn't even view him as their own son anymore but at least they had the audicity to not tell everyone they knew about Sehun being gay and in love with a guy. Just when Sehun thought things couldn't get any worse, his crush finally noticed him and actually asked him out! can you believe it? Sehun certainly couldn't and he said yes straight away. If only poor and naive Sehun knew what he was in for. He found out about Jimin was the leader of one of the most ferocious gangs in Seoul but he didn't care. All he cared about at the time was having his crushes arms wrapped around him and have all his worries kissed away.
with little to no persuasion, Sehun joined Jimins gang and was almost trained immediately to become an assassin. He hated the training, the brutal hours of learning every style of fighting there was and even being taught every last pressure point in the human body. By the end of four months, Sehun knew how to kill a man just by jabbing a certain spot in their body. He could knock them out, paralyze them and even raise a persons libido. He learned how to fight with a knife and how to use a rifle; somehow even managing to become the groups best rifleman because he was able to shoot a target the size of a butterfly from two miles away.
the only reason he never complained through these brutal training sessions, when he would be bruised and covered in cuts, was when he would run into the arms of his lover who would wear a proud smile on his face and tell him how proud he was of Sehun. Life was better for a time, his relationship with his parents grew better when he lied to them about his cursh being a phase even though everynight he would sneak out and meet Jimin. It all came crashing down the day he turned seventeen. His new 'friends' had taken him out for the night on the town and Sehun assumed it was just them buying him alcohol since he wasn't of age yet but know, it was drugging him to the point where he couldn't move properly and well, let's say that they treated him like a e.
and you bet it couldn't get any more dramatic and cliche right? well, you're wrong. Sometime in the middle of all these ual escapades(in an alley, mind you) he was caught by a group of people from his school; riding one of his gang members and a stuffed in his mouth. While they all took videos and pictures, Sehun couldn't find himself to care from all the drugs he was hyped up on. These videos and photos were leaked onto the internet and Sehun found his reputation ruined when he woke up the next morning. His parents kicked him out with nothing but the clothes on his back and all his friends rejected him; calling him a and how disgusting he was. 
There was one person Sehun could go to and that was Jimin. So Sehun came to the other male, nearly in tears, only to be met with a cold glare and a rude attitude. What happened to the caring but intimidating man he had fell in love with? Turns out Sehun had been played with until it came to this point; where Sehun had lost everything and he had no choice but to stay with the gang if he wanted to stay alive. It also turns out that Jimin never even cared for Sehun, having only taking a liking to Sehun because he had a perfect body. Sehun cut off all ties to his old life, leaving behind his previously bubbly personality for a colder, less caring one. He drowned himself in his work and what most heartbroken people do; in , alcohol and he was even lucky enough to have all sorts drugs supplied to him.
the bubbly, happy-go-lucky Sehun is gone and has been for two years. replaced with an empty shell. If only there was someone who could make him smile again.



















































ooc corner:
1. Timezone is GMT +10 which is Australia, mate, though i'm on about sixteen hours per day.
2. If it's been around four days and i haven't replied, then PLEASE poke to remind me. I tend to forget to reply sometimes so it's nothing personal.
3. Third pov only. I will ignore you if you post in first.
4. I do not mind starting at all, just ask nicely and i will ^^ the only time i will ever ask you to start is if it's a plot that you HAVE to start or else it won't make sense or i'm going to do something that'll take longer then an hour,
5. Speaking of plots, i will not rp with you unless we have a plot. Seriously, i cannot wing rps at all so don't bother.
6. If i get less then three lines then i will stop rping with you until inget a longer response, it up, princess, also, i will NEVER stop rping with you if i find it's getting too boring,
7. I will let you know how long it'll be until i can start on the off chance you message me just as i'm leaving school. It takes me an hour to get home so some patience would be nice.
8. When it comes to starting. If i get a plot i'm very interested in, i will give you something massive(like 4 posts massive or more) so PLEASE DO NOT feel like you have to copy the length, write what you're comfortable with, i can't ask for anything more.
9. I tend to mirror my replies but they'll sometimes be shorter or longer. HOWEVER i will never give you less then a paragraph. Ever.