Personal Message

feeling: Bored and Hyper ┊  thoughts: none ┊  eargasm: Growl- Exo ┊  needing: Food?  )

`* leeminhyuk       

   november 29, 1990          Awesome         Son Of Jack Frost         Squirrel          173 cm.   
우리 한 약속은 바람과 함께 사라졌어. ❞
born with the name lee minhyuk. call me minhyuk or
squirrel. that's an order not a suggestion. they say i'm
a ticking
aegyo bomb. am i really ? find out it yourself.
please give me acorn presents every
29 november.
kiss me at the height of 173 cm. can you reach that ?
Like to play around or even to prank people, 
Is an easy going person, invite him and he'll come along.
한 순간 얼어버린 너의 그 표정.
single Foodual uninterested

I regret nothing

( ★ none )
My Friends who tell me to make a new day in history
( ★ Jiyeon) - ( ★ Krystal) - ( ★ none ) - ( ★ none ) - ( ★ none  )
Lee Minhyuk the Son of  Jack Frost