Description  tumblr_m9ypbuDZlE1qgqoqyo2_250.png  tumblr_m9ypbuDZlE1qgqoqyo3_250.png  tumblr_m9ypbuDZlE1qgqoqyo4_250.png



; 〈 my world
▷ my parents named me oh sehun, but call me sehun, sehunnie, etc
▷ landed on this green-blue planet on april 12, year 1994
▷ reach me at 181 cm. maybe then you can pat my head ^-^
▷ the blood running down my veins is type o

〈 youhave my heart♥;
Hover over image(s):


( ) mychingus~ -------







for your enjoyment♥;
(f t.  L u h a n & Kai)






layout credit to fallen angel.