
Tee Taemin~


•Troop: N/A

•Age: 18

•Position: Nurse

•Story: Taemin lived in a poor house with a family that hated him. One day taxes went up and they didn't have enough money to pay them. Since none of them cared for Taemin they sold him on the black market to get the money. One bidder paid a lot for Taemin because he looked precious. At the time Taemin was a skinny male with long hair that made him look like a girl. Soon after he was taken as a slave to virus broke out. It killed his "master" and all the others in the household. It seemed to not effect him though. This is because he has a sickness. He gets nauseous at any moment, coughs up blood, and gets migranes almost everyday. After the virus took his so called "new home" he ran away and found some people who were fighting against it. Now he is a nurse as he learned healing from his grandmother before she died. His sickness has caused him to lose his voice and sight in his right eye. He wears a white eye patch over his eye and usually covers his mouth with a hospital mask.

•Personality: Shy, Depressed, Cute, Caring, and can get Violent

•Present: Taemin walked around the gas station for supplies. He found some band-aids in one of the broken tents. They look like they once belonged to a child. Taemin grimaced at this and put the few of them left in his pocket. Suddenly he could hear screaming and turned around quickly. (To be continued...)