Personal Message



--kris wu





Chinese boy from Canada, Kris was always loved by both his parents, but because of their works, they couldn't really be present in his life as a kid. So they spoiled him to compence for their absence in their son's life. Yeah, his parents are rich buisness men and they are at head of the biggest company and are freaking rich.But now, his parents told him to stay away from their money and to work for himself. That's why he's now a vocal teacher.

( mood -  playful )     ( eyegasm - Taehyung~ )     ( eargasm - His moans )     

( relationship status -  Taken )     ( thoughts - I love you )     ( Vocal Teacher )



My love~

 I love you so much,baby... I can't wish for better than you. 

At first,I didn't think you would ever like me back,but it still ended up like this..

I love you so,so much,my pretty princess~



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