Personal Message



the days go on
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"When they leave you,
stop looking,
just forget it all."
NAME : Song Ahri

Growing up as the product of a wealthy family rather than a child, I was the trophy child of my parents during the many outings and parties they took me to. I was was adored by many around me not only for my sweet ways, but also for my looks.

Things changed behind closed doors when verbal abuse took it's place in the Song household, my parents never satisfied with their my appearance, never quite understanding what everyone else saw. And as hard as I worked trying to please my mother and father, I never quite succeeded.

Once highschool hit, my parents left the house for the weekend and never returned, leaving me alone a home for the rest of my years of school. Without guidance, I met some people and found the party life. The taste of alcohol, the feel of wild , the whole scene was more home than I had felt all my life and before I knew it, it became a part of me. 

One day when I was home alone, in the middle of having -as a matter of fact-I got a knock on the door. That entire time my parents left me at home? It turned out they moved to a completely different country and started new lives together but that wasn't the reason I got the interrupting knock. The two died in a boating accident along apparently and I was the only one left to receive their inheiritance. It's a real surprise those sad s actually left me with something…

Everyone wondered why I didn't spare a single tear upon finding out but none of them knew the real people my mom and dad were or what they did and I was too far gone to care anymore because I was done pleasing people. With what my parent's money bought, I got a nice place at the top of the hill overlooking the ocean and opened it to anybody who enjoyed the things I did. I now call them all my beauties because no matter where they come from, they're all perfect in my eyes. In some way, shape, or form, we're all a bit messed up; but nevertheless beautiful.

What became of my old sweet self, I'm not so sure. Somewhere along the years, it was replaced by a party girl who knew only fun. I only have a soft spot for my beauties, they're all I need in this ed up world.


One more night [ver. 1] (0/2)[Any gender // , Romance-ish, Angst-ish]You and I used to be together but broke up due to your bad decisions. But every time you run into me, you ask for one nigtht to prove that you've changed and that you"ll stay. Not caring whether you're lying or not, or perhaps I'm just too lazy to even try believing your words, I accept just as I've done the many other times in the past. After a long night of needed pleasure, and after glancing at my sleeping face beside you, confusion in your heart settles and causes you to leave me again, leaving me the same note you have every time in the past to wake up to. 




One more night [ver. 2].(0/2)[Any gender // Violence, Angst, (?)]Having ended an abusive relationship with you, we both went our seperate ways. But some nights keep you up missing my presence beside you and that drives you to try to see me again. You show up at my door telling me you're a different man and something in me lets you inside. Not even 10 minutes in, any little thing I do or say triggers something inside of you that snaps you back to your old ways leading to a long night  of use and abuse.



Fresh air (0/_)[Any gender // , other]:You aren't like the others. The first night we two spent together, you treated me like glass; as if I was a all over again. Then the next morning when the I woke up expecting to see an empty spot beside me, I sees your sleeping face instead. Now, I know you're different from the rest, but why?




Title (0/_)[_]: More to come...