

Cheng Junya
   we'll run where lights won't chase us, 
    hide where love can't save us;
       Age:16        Human     Name:Cheng Junya
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Being nothing but a normal Human Junya didn´t know anything about the demons that called themself incubus. He usually was shy, not really sure how to talk with others. Working out everyday he tried to gain more muscles and at the same time self conciousness but it wasn´t as easy as he thought since he still was too shy to show anyone his body.  Without friends or anyone else that was close him Junya soon tried out more things to gain others attention without having to talk to them, colouring his hair red was a starter but it seemed still no one noticed him. 
Lonely for so long he couldn´t help but become depressed, the only place he could be happy at were his dreams where
he would create his own perfect world, being loved and treated just like he wanted it, that was until that one life changing night...