Beauty is Elegance

Beauty is Elegance

 Nam Jihyun heir to crime boss   specialty concealed weapons "Think I'm innocent? Maybe you're right"
 Graceful like a Swan

Jihyun is the heir to be of the most notorious crime bosses in Seoul. You'd think this would made her a cold hearted mercenary right? Wrong, she questions why her father does what he does and though she's highly skilled in the use of concealed weapons she is a pacifist and doesn't believe in violence. A rather "innocent" girl she has absolutely no experience with taking drugs, killing people,or experience with men at all. Still a pure rather than seeking out men she prefers to steer clear.

  I'm Enchanted to Meet You

Single straight lover since

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 Brightest Jewels

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mood ⇢ 12345 // eargasm ⇢ laughter // eyecandy ⇢ // craving ⇢ peace// thoughts ⇢ "Im surrounded by evil"
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