Personal Message

kang ji young

kang ji young


You are probably curious how I got here, I was once a spoiled brat. i get what I want.. anything. yes, I'm that kind of girl. That life left me so soon when my father cheated on my mom, I hated him for that. I rebel against him. They have separated, leaving me with my mother. I never thought that she would treat me poorly, she care less about me and my life. I ran away and found this place. In here I'm assured I'll get a new life and I'll be able to learn how to be independent.
I'm still that  shy and friendly girl, but when it comes to master, I will do anything. I'm weak at times, I'm a girl after all. Even so, I'll learn how to be strong.
Taken by Kim Joonmyeon. My future husband. Thank you for being with me all these times. I don't mind being stuck with you for forever. I love you, no matter what happens.


 eargasm: Your voice .   eyegasm: Suho.   thoughs: I feel bipolar .-.   taken by: Suho.   mood:  1 2 3 4 5




To Suho : I love you~ I'll never get tired saying it and showing it.

Thank you for everything, let me be a good wifey to you~ ♥
