Personal Message


1. NO .
2. I love Doctor Who.
3. Saranghae~ ^^


Lee Taemin

Age: 18
Position: Helper
Eye Classification: Bright Purple
Works For: N/A
Personality: Quiet, Hard-Working, Annoyed Easily, Cute, Complicated (To say the least)
Bio: Taemin was the very first of The Help to ever be created. Since he was programmed to anything his owner asked to he was the most obidient of the first line of Helpers. The only thing was, he wasn't as human as the rest turned out to be. The H. Creators did not focus on creating human like machines at the time so he was programmed with very little feelings. This is why he is quiet most of the time and doesn't spak his mind. As for his work, he is the most efficient of the Helpers, but he was always sent back to the Helper Headquarters for reprogramming because the human families in which he worked for didn't like how he didn't have many emotions like other Helpers. Since he has been sent back to the headquarters amny times his attitude, the way he looks, his style of work, and much more have changed over the years. He is still dedicated to his first function though and continues to ork for other households. One day though, after being reprogrammed a few weeks before, his new host family ordered him around like he was an animal and he just couldn't take it. So, in a rage, he destroyed most of the items in their house, scaring the children and angering his owners. Taemin was immediately deactivated and sent to be reconstructed instead of reprogrammed this time. Now he is finally back on the market, the story of his outburst kept secret by the H. Creators. Completely obidient but not bug free. No one knows if he will lash out again but so far he's just been doing what he's told.