Personal Message




dorkytae  was  here !!!    
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Hey there Jongin~ 
TaeTae here c: 
I understand that even though you're a man, you'll feel like crying after my so damn touching message xD Jks~ Anyways, thanks for giving me a piggyback ride, letting me feel what it's like being tall for a change xD I'll repay you one day~ It's really fun knowing you and all and I hope I can keep getting to know you more!(:
even though you seem like a jerk that break girls' hearts at first, ( which u still do xD ) you turn out to be really nice and fun ^^ for that, I love you <3 ( in a friendly way ) :P
thats all for now *flying kiss* 
photographer- @ pusheen









Le Sekshi banana saying hi!
Hi KAiSOO~ *gives you ice cream* How are you? Thanks for being mean even though me ish jelly =3=.


■ YOu're not living until you're living for me
Hello. The name is Kim Jongin. You can also call me Kai. I opened the club Kaura ever since I think people need to release stress from their daily routine. Do whatever you like in Kaura. Hang out? Have some drink? Or look for someone to hook up with? It's all up to you. I'll be always around Kaura so if you need me, you are very welcome to come by. It's easy to approach me, trust me. Even maybe I look a bit cold or something, but just come to me, I'll be nice to everyone. I swing both side, yes, both. Even though I'm leaning towards girls, but still, /both/. I may be flirting with everyone, and look like I tend to always bring them to bed, well, maybe yes, but if they don't want, I'm not going to force. It's your loss anyway. ;P  So, just come to me. I don't bite. Well... Unless you're into it.
p.s: don't fall for me.
break-up song