Personal Message
Do you know me?
looks can be decieving. you may think you know me, but you really dont.
name : kim taeyeon 김태연
birthdate: 9 march 1989
blood type : O
race : korean
works @ : sm entertainment as leader of GG
relationship status : single pringle
orientation : straight as a ruler
mood : ★★★★
thoughts : i want to eat ice cream~ o n o 
eyecandy:  ♥ 
eargasm : 
craving on : candy floss & ice cream. & bubble tea!
things you should know.
Being the leader of Korea's Top Girl Group aint easy. And sometimes, i just wanna get away from everything. its presurizing and stressful i admit, but i dont ever wanna stop doing it. SOmetimes my smile may be fake, but there defintely one time when my smile is 101% real, and that is when i see all my fans during concerts. the way they hold up this pink light sticks, it melts my heart and i feel like all the hard work is worth it. 
i started going to clubs since i was legal. its definately a place where i unwind and relax. i drink dance and sometimes a few one night stands, but oh well, i know i'm not the onl idol that those this. i may not be a great dancer, but showing off my dance moves on the dance floor defintely helps me let off stress. and cause the club is so dark and almost everyone is tipsy, not much people actually recognise me, so the clubs are the few places where i can actually be myself. 

sometimes life jusy gets so stressful that i feel like giving up. but whne i stop and look around, i see the amount of fans and love ones that is supporting me, i then see the reason why i'm even here  in the first place. everytime i finish a concert, i realise why i keep performing even though its so stressful, it cause of the amount of people that love me for what i'm doing, and thats you, sones 
BEST FRIEND IN LIFE > KAI - FANY - NAEUN - BABYJOO - BANANA - SEHUN - name - name - name - name - name  - name - name - name - name - name - name - name - name - name - naME







Le Sekshi banana saying hi!
Hi pretty unnie~ *gives you ice cream* How are you? Thanks for being pretty and nice to me even though me ish jelly because chu ish idol=3=.