Personal Message
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Krystal Jung
Knight's Chair
Born October 24, 1998
She was born in a simple family. Her mother travelled in another country when she was five years old and never returned which left her father to take care and raise her. She grew up in an environment wherein she was surrounded by men. Her dad had her take martial arts lessons like taekwando, hapkido, kumdo, and gungdo. But she also learned how to do simple housework like cooking and cleaning. In her spare time, she reads the fantasy books that her mom sends her.
Krystal was always the quiet kid in the corner when she was in elementary. She didn't talk to people much and only preferred her own company, but she always excelled in all of the subjects especially history and sports. Her eggs appeared one day when she was in her room reading. The darker egg hatched first. The second hatched when she was in school.
My Thoughts: 
Falling in love is such an amazing thing”;
RelationshipStatus: Single :: Taken :: Open :: Married :: Engaged :: Forever Alone :: Waiting for my prince
ualOrientation: Gay :: Biual :: Panual :: Straight 
image image
   Soo Min                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cho Hee
 She represents my fascination of                                                                                                                                She represents my dream to be more open,
magic and fantasy.  She's like a                                                                                                                                     sociable, and graceful. She's a little  
psychic. Soo Min dosen't do well                                                                                                                                    annoying but she means well. She gives
in places were there is too much                                                                                                                                  great advices but sometimes they don't
light, especially if it's sunlight.                                                                                                                                      make any sense. Cho Hee is the total 
She often creeps other people out                                                                                                                                opposite of Soo Min. Cho Hee is loud,
because she mumbles scary words                                                                                                                                can't seem to stay put, scared of things
and the atmosphere turns scary                                                                                                                                   that Soo Min likes, and extroverted.
as well. But she can do magic as well.                                                                                                                            She also represents my love life. But she
She's more of the introverted type                                                                                                                               gets clingy to their chara. She is the sun
and she's my first born chara.                                                                                                                                       and Soo Min is the moon.
                  Midnight Aura                                                                                                                                                             Social Butterfly
In this form, Krystal becomes cold and scary.                                                                                                      In this form, Krystal becomes cheerful and
So far, nobody's been able to defeat this form.                                                                                                    friendly. She also acts like a lady. Her umbrella
Her primary weapon is a large scythe which                                                                                                        acts as her shield not only from her enemies 
also functions as a flying broomstick.                                                                                                                   but also from the sun.
 Salem Aegis - a barrier that absorbs attacks.                                                                                                   Parasol Blade - her umbrella becomes a 
It appears as a cresent moon.                                                                                                                                sword. It can slice through any material.
☾ Black Misfortune - She utters a simple word                                                                                                      Bumbershoot - umbrella shoots projectiles.
/command and it appears or happens. There's                                                                                                     She dosen't know what are those projectiles
 a limit though. For example, she can't say the                                                                                                     are but all she  knows is that it's heavy
word 'die'.                                                                                                                                                                 enough to knock people out.
☾ Pentagram Circle - A large star appears on                                                                                                       Barrier Gamp - umbrella becomes a shield 
the ground and it traps anyone inside it. In                                                                                                         that protects only her. All she has to do is open
other cases, instead of trapping, a crack                                                                                                            her umbrella and it immediately deflects all of 
opens on the grond and they fall in it.                                                                                                                   the attacks that are aimed at her.
☾ Inferno - she can create fire from her                                                                                                              ☼ Brolly's Eye - spins umbrella to distract 
hands and control its degree and size.                                                                                                                  people. Kind of like hypnotizing.

Hurt any of them? You'll regret it very soon.



Profile Credit: 「G e t Y o u r C r a y o n 」