
Name: Lee Min Ho

DOB: june/22/1987

Power: organic constructs
can change organic material (including my own bodies) into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures of varying permanence.

Power: acid generation
generate acids that can dissolve anything in its way.

Power: infrared vision
see people's heat even though you are in the darkness, behind the wall or anything thing that can't be seen with eyes.

Story: he was sold by his parents for money at the age of 5 and at the age of 15, he found out that whatever he touches will dissolve when his angry. At the age of 21, he was abandoned by his step parents and also found out that he was sold to them and not because his real parents died. he was also hated by people outside after finding out his identity and also being hunted....after 5 years living in the forest, he found this place where he belong the mansion...

Likes: organic stuff / acidic stuff / darkness / sleeping

Dislike: being angry / people saying that his weak






Woo Jiho just hacked your profile.

don't need to thank. also, don't delete it. he sarangs you



aa normal text