Personal Message


sehun is a nonchalant kid, or at least gives off the impression of nonchalance. he's very hardheaded and impulsive which would seem useful at times, but has led to many unfortunate crashes in his time at the corps. love and friendship is but a nuisance to him though he might let one or two through his built walls. after all, the period after the fall of wall maria was all he could think about. the terrified look civilians around him, his lanky body being dragged into the flow of running beings, and the last image of his mother's arm sticking out from the fists of the titans. he had no time for petty feelings.






TORMENT (n.) : 1. severe physical or mental suffering. 2. a cause of suffering. agony, torture, pain, misery, anguish, trauma.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum accumsan velit ut elit mattis, eget auctor purus accumsan. Pellentesque consequat sapien ipsum, nec faucibus ipsum rutrum in. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent eget nunc massa. Fusce commodo, enim ut ultricies convallis, lorem nisl placerat dolor, sed cursus mi tellus eu nisl. Duis et luctus mauris. Suspendisse vel tempor diam. Cras euismod faucibus auctor. In sollicitudin urna vel faucibus aliquet. Fusce lacinia mauris purus, sed ultrices lectus feugiat nec.



simon senpie loves you♥