Personal Message

You can guess what I am, but I ain't telling...yet.

Looks can just be so deceiving.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder they say, but his eyes turns out to be the one that'll show his moods and emotions better than beauty.


let out the beast.







ice prince 23 aual 4.20.1995 178cm single

You say that I'm messing with your head.All 'cause I was making out with your friend.Love hurts whether it's right or wrong.I can't stop,'cause I'm having too much fun.You're on your knees,begging please,stay with me.But honestly I just need to be a little crazy.All my life I've been good but now i'm thinking, what the hell? All I want is to mess around,and I don't really care about if you love me,if you hate me,you can't save me, baby, baby.All my life I've been good but now whoa,what the hell? So what if I go out on a million dates?You never call or listen to me anyway,I rather rage than sit around and wait all day,Don't get me wrong, I just need some time to play,You're on your knees,begging please,stay with me.But honestly,I just need to be a little crazy,All my life I've been good,but now I'm thinking,what the hell?All I want is to mess around And I don't really care about if you love me,if you hate me,you can't save me, baby, baby.All my life I've been good but now whoa,what the hell?

Some things you might want to know about Luhan and Sehun's past and relationship: Their families were attacked at the same time; by some creatures who have backstabbed them to the humans so they could take them down and take their power. They were attacked at the same time, but in a different place, They never met until, their parents told them to run away and save theirselve. So they did. Luhan was 8; Sehun was 5, when their paths crossed upon entering and discovering the Mystique Forest where no humans are allowed to enter unless you're a mythical or magical creature.

All my life I've been good but now
I'm thinking,

what the hell?


Luhan - Bow down before me.




Don't let this pretty face fool you. No one would like to go agaisnt him or even dare to actually pick a fight with him.
Why? Because he wouldn't give mercy towards you without care.
Backing down is not in his dictionary.
Leaving others- who are close to him, isn't either.
Behind his cold, rude, and ty attitude/personality; he is really loyal to those others who are close to him.
If you want to get to know him better..Why not try to approach him? He might eventually consider you as one of his friends...- or maybe not. Beware though as he really gives off ty comments and maybe sacrastic remarks that would probably annoy the hell out of others who really dare crosses his line and . [to be editted | under co.]


Beautiful Sehunnie for Master Luhan o u o Hehe /slapped/ 
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And some of Hunnie's o u o
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Stupid jerk, 
I love you too. Much more than you can imagine. And you will never lose me because even if you didn't/can't accept me, I'll always stick by your side.