Personal Message



Nana | DOB - Nov. 14. 1991 | Standing at 171 cm | Blood Type A |
Is now heartbroken
Was In a Relationship with
Wu Yi Fan (Kris Wu)



{} About Me

  I can be sweet, but don't expect me to like you right away.
Some call me icy, but I can be nice, you just have to play your cards right
I don't cheat, ever. Not in school, definitely not in relationships, so don't even go there.
I'm not afraid to hit one of you

My 'Marshmallows' mean the world to me.
They complete my hot chocolate
Can't have hot chocolate with out marshmallows, right?
So mess with them, you mess with me.

I have claws, and they do come out, especially when I'm jealous
That's not a pretty sight, trust me.
You don't want to witness it.

All in all, I'm a nice girl,
If you're nice back, that is.
I'll always be glad to help people when they need it,
Even if I don't really like you personally
Your secret will ALWAYS be safe with me
My lips are sealed.

So if you ever need a ear to listen to you,
A mouth to speak to you,
Or a shoulder to lean on,
You can always come to me,
I wont mind one bit.



{❉Living By}


"A 'miracle' is simple: a miracle is a shift in perspective from fear to Love. A miracle can be the moment you choose to forgive your ex-lover and let go of decades of resentment, or the moment you realize that losing your job was nota  tragedy but an oppurtunity to follow your true calling. Simple put, each moment you choose love over fear is a miracle. And the more miracles you add up, the less likely you are to perceive life through dark-colored lenses. When you choose to perceive love over fear, life begins to flow. You feel peaceful and you see Love in all situations. Your hang-ups subside and your life feels guided."
- Gabrielle Bernstein

"Happiness is not a destination, it's a way of life."
- Anonymous

"Be who you are, and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
- Dr. Seuss




{} My Love Story

♦- Love Status - Forever Single and Heartbroken

♦- ual Orientation - Straight

♦- Crushing - Kris

♦- Ideal Type - Someone with the nickname Dragon



{My One and Only
I'll never forget you. . .
; ~ ;










I fell for the "-faced" duizhang



He's perfect. He's sweet.
He can rap, and God, he's tall.
He's absolutely amazing, the best thing I could wish for.
He's my ultimate bias, and
I still can't believe he's all mine..
Also, this is my favorite picture of him. Look at that smile <3







alwayswithyou {13/01/05}

Kris. Kris. Kris.

{ }








My lovely <3 She's so random, and so kind
Don't hurt her, or I'll hurt you <3

My 'Um-Pa'
She's so awesome <3



                                                                                                               Goo Hara

My Best 'Girl' Friend here
I love her to death
Hurt her, I hurt you





❀✿e ___ e <3 ❀✿
My Best 'Guy' Friend here.
We made a PARK together. Can you beat that? /bricked/
I love this dude to death,
(Not because I'm MBLAQ biased or anything).
Mess with him, and he'll boil you,
or vacuum your face.
Take your pick <3
He gave me a magic backpack .
