
Kim Jongin ; Kai - Vampire Bounty Hunter

He's a normal looking Vampire by any one glance, but there is always much more than the eye can see. Jongin, though he now goes by Kai, was once a normal boy. He lived with a loving family of great parents and many siblings that treated him nicely. Out of all of them, he was the youngest. Even though he was the baby of the family, that didn't necessarily mean he was the weakest. No, at a young age his father had trained him to protect himself from anything that would hurt him. In his childhood, everything was right with the world. Until he found out he was living in a false paradise. Kai was born after the Vampires had taken over half the planet, which made him believe that it had been like this all along. Then one day, while he was playing the in the forest alone, he met a young Elf boy who told him about what happened. Jongin was shocked by what he heard and though he didn't believe it at first he let it sink in. From then on, Jongin grew into a cold and hateful child. His parents started to show their true colors, mean and nasty, whenever Jongin fought back at them. His whole life had been a lie was something he had suddenly started to realize over the years. If he fought with his parents, they would lock him up in his room, sometimes even hurt him until he started crying. Jongin could never speak out about his abuse though, because he knew his parents would hurt his siblings, and he didn't want that. They all noticed Jongin's drastic change in behavior though but they didn't know what had happened to him. When they tied to help him he'd lash out before locking himself in his room before they could get to him.

A few years later though, Jongin's life took another 360° change when he cme home one day to find blood all over the walls. An insane Vampire had broken into the house and killed his family while he had been alone in the forest that day. He couldn't stop the tears that had started to flow from his eyes and ran from the house. From that point on he was no longer Jongin but Kai. At the age of 16 he had become a Vampire Bounty Hunter, only so he could search for the one who had killed his family. Even if he had hated his parents before, he still loved all his siblings who had been brutally killed and that is the very same reason the 19 year-old keeps working today. He's cold, unapproachable, and all around a quiet and mysterious guy. If you ever break through Kai's exterior, maybe you'll find Jongin.

Nineteen - Homoual - Single - Undecided

Powers: Super Speed, Super Strength, Teleportation, Light Control     Abilities: Close Combat, Good with Any Type of Weapon, Merciless at his Job