
Lee Taemin



Seventeen] - [Homoual] - [Single] - [Highschool Student] - [Dreamer]

Ever since he was a young boy, Taemin has had a fascination for the weird and undiscovered. Many people said this was the fuel of his wild imagination. At night, he'd have dreams about mysterious kinghts in shining armor, beautiful princesses with pointy ears, floating in space without a helmet, and more. Ever time the young boy fell asleep it was something new everyday for him to tell everyone about. When he grew up, he continued to dream, but other students started bullying him for behaving like this. They told him it was girly and that it just wasn't right. Of course Taemin refused to believe this and soon he became friendless but continued to dream on.

Later in his life, when Taemin first became a highschool student, he discovered that he liked boys through a dream he had about his best friend. It left him blushing and ducking every time the other caught him staring but soon he moved on when they found someone else. Since Taemin has a very nice, caring, and selfless attitude, everything he's ever wanted in his l.ife has slipped through his fingers as he let it go. This has left and empty hole in his heart which he deeply wants to fill but never gets the chance because he lets everything he loves goes. When he heard of the new Dream Stations he decided that maybe he should try it, just for the fun of it, still being the dreamer he is.


(Horror) Living Is Dying ; Taemin finds himself in a graveyard which he doesn't remember ever seeing before. Suddenly then, he meets another person, who say they'll help get out through the maze of graves. Since he's got no one else, Taemin decides to follow them, only to fall into a trap. The person that helped him turns out to be an evil ghost who holds a grudge against all humans and has taken Taemin as his 1st victim. May death await him in this nightmare?

(Romance) Chocolate Cupcakes ; If there's nothing Taemin loves more than anything, it's chocolate cupcakes. In this dream, it's the anniversary of him and his lover and to celebrate on a snowy night under the clear sky of stars, they decide to have a picnic in the park. With everyone else gone it's a romantic night for the two, and guess what they got Taemin? His favorite chocolate cupcakes.

(Fluff) Sunshine and Lollipops ; It's a hot day of summer, the hottest in Taemin's opinion, and he wants to go somewhere and cool off. His best friend suddenly comes over and suggests they go to the beach. Of course Taemin agrees and soon they're off. While at the beach, his friend gets him a rainbow lollipop and they swim, play, and lay in the sun all day until night when the beacj becomes empty except for the two of them. Taemin decides to start eating the lollipop then when his friend suddenly presses his lips to the other side. He ignored this though and when he brought the lollipop down his friend brought their lips close again, finally landed on his.

(Fantasy) The Vampire's School Boy ; Taemin is living his normal life in this dream, or so he thinks, when he is suddenly kidnapped by aVampire! A very handsome Vampire if he might add. Soon he's in a whole new world, and the only human there, with the Vampire calling him 'his little school boy'. Taemin doesn't know why he calls him this but tries to accept the fact that he's never going home, when he suddenly finds himself falling for the other. Feeding, hugging, and even danger start to ensue after the first initial kiss he gives the creature.

(Unexplainable) Five Different Worlds ; Waking up, Taemin suddenly finds himself in a white room surrounded by five portals. Each one of a different color, red, green, purple, blue, and white, give off a feeling of power to him. Unlike what he would normally do, which is freak out, he enters the first portal he sees. Suddenly he is into a whole 'nother world filled with things he never imagined were real. There he meets someone new, who says they want to show him the world. [You may choose which portal he enters and I'll tell you where it goes.]

(Sci-Fi) Earthquake Society ; Living in the year 3054, Taemin is a normal student, when he is suddenly back into time to the year 2048. The year the Earth crumbled. There he meets a new person, one that konws just what's going to happen and how the Earth dies. Together they race against time to escape the disaster. With Taemin's advanced technology and the other's smarts, they make it out of the fray just in time while the rest of the unkowing population of Earth dies, leaving just the world's most powerful government's left alive floating in the sky. They are taken back to Taemin's time, the other depressed about coming to a different time and leavin everyone he loved behind. With Taemin's help though, and a bit of love involved, they repaor what damage has been done and live together happily in the sky.

(Supernatural) The Memories of Lost Things ; One day, young photographer Lee Taemin, decides to take pictures of an old house at the top of the hill in his home town. When he enters the house, he notices all the dust of it being untouched, but also all the pictures and objets that decorate tables and other surfaces. For some reason he feels like he should touch them, like any kid does at the store, and when he does he suddenly sees the history of the house. Each object has a different story of how it got to be here and once he reaches the last one in the bedroom where the old occupant of the house lived, they finally meet. Only for the now light soul to disappear, and leave him alone in the house once again. It's a sad ending to such a great life story, and Taemin promised to protect it for his life. Even when his time came.

(Hisorical Fiction) A Slave's Life ; Taemin is a young slave on one of the most famous plantations in all of Korea. One day, his master, requests to see him. Once Taemin sees the master, he is turned into a house slave as a servant of his master's son. He works day and night for the other, while he faces the tribulations of other slaves that work in the field start to hate him for taking the house job. Taemin now has nicer clothes and a room but still doesn't know how to read or write. His clothing is never as nice as his master's or his son but he loves it just the same. One day, the son he serves tells Taemin that he really cares for him, and wants to teach him how to read and write. Soon it becomes and unlikely love story of a slave and his master.

(Mystery) One Mismatched Marriage ; Taemin is forced into an arranged marriage by his father when suddenly his fiance dies mysteriously. His new soon-to-be-husband is hateful and cold to the bone and Taemin doesn't want to marry him. After running away from the other one night so he wouildn't be beaten again, he stumbles into a mysterious passage. There he finds out the truth about how his real husband died and just can't take it. Then his new fiance finds him.