Personal Message

+My wan chai and yaa yii

+message to them
Tae and V, we've been through a lot. A lot of up and downs and a lot of tears, but I wouldn't trade any of that for what we have now. You two make me the happiest then I've ever been and I hope we can stay this way for a long time. I want to continue to protect and progress with Tae. Going on our sweet dates and just cuddling in bed. Same goes with our playful fights with V and even our constant ual adventures. I love you two so much, you two both mean the world so much to me.
My Wan Chai and Yaa Yii, thank you for loving me.

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BamBam was just a troubled kid trying to figure himself out. Like most kids he wanted to be cool, known, and to do that he hung out with the so called "cool" kids. He did drugs and alchahol, but never liked how they made him feel. He never liked how any of it made him feel, until one day his friend convinced him to sleep with him. After that BamBam found himself being liked, being known, being cool, being used. Though he refused to see that last part. People started to hang out with him, though he never saw that they only did it because he was a good . He convinced himself its because he was cool now. He was cool. When his parents found out about his new found hobby they were quick to disown him and kick him out. Calling him a disgrace. Needing a place to stay BamBam stayed with the friend that stole his ity, exchanging for a roof over his head. Though BamBam didnt want to hang around too long, didnt want to stay too close to his parents, and here he is.



Hyung Loves you