Personal Message



★ KIM Sunggyu


Status :   Taken   
 Orientation : Gay
 Orientation : Gay
 Orientation : Gay


Call me by my name-------| Kim Sunggyu/김성규
Fell to Earth on-------| 4.28.89
Reach me at-------| 178cm
Blood keeping me alive-------| A
I'm Kim Sunggyu, Resident Elf at Family B at your service. I have the ability to read minds and control the enviroment around me and others, but I'm actually very, very lazy. I'm a lazy, impatient, British Elf. How do people put up with me? I love my whole family and all my friends, and my boyfriend the most. My eyes change colors due to my mood, which if you are lucky enough you will see it first hand. I'm very prideful, and I love a good fight once in a while. I don't like to flirt, because I have my Sungjong of course. Get to know me, I' might seem distant at first, but I'll be slinging bricks at your head once we are close.
★ EyesMapTheSoul
Gold; excited
Green; happy
Blue; sad
Red; lust
Brown; calm
Black; angry
Purple; annoyed
Gray; sleepy/tired

Pink; love
★  KnowMeBaby                                                   
60SecondsIsAll l I     Need
  Loved ┊ Innocence ┊ Throwing Bricks 
►Lee Sungyeol; Younger Brother
►Huang Zitao; Umma
►Jang Dongwoo; Appa
►Lee Sungjong; Boyfriend
►Kim Myungsoo; Close Friend Airhead
► Nam Woohyun; Ahjussi
@WGFRoleplay | Kim Sunggyu




 RPing at ★゚・:,。゚We Got Families。゚・:,。☆ as Sunggyu