Personal Message
clap along if  
you feel that
happiness is the
The Winter Fairy | EST-5 | slow replies
1. I don't reply /immediately/, although I try to. Usually a reply takes around 20minutes to even more than two hours. I like to so research and actually think my replies through instead of posting without a care. 
2. I prefer to plot the post through, I don't mind trying to brainstorm possibilities, but I would appreciate it if you would help as well. 
3. Please notify me whenever you reply to a post. I don't bite, to be honest. 
4. I'm very patient when it comes to replies, so no nagging please. <3 
Sunggyu | Archery Field | Replied
Krystal | plotting
Baekhyun | plotting







(G) Jung Eunji

Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning when I wake up, I am reborn. 
- Mahatma Gandhi

About Her


Eunji had once belonged to a family of four. She had parents who loved her, and a younger sister who absolutely adored her and who she adored. She knew from earlier on that she was different. It started with a dream, the earliest dream that she could recall. She was the midst of stars and then there was a glow, followed by a soft voice. There was a whirl of colour and what appeared to look like magic, what she thought could only exist in movies began to happen in her very dreams. These dreams were different and when she told her mother, her mother knew. 
Eunji thought nothing of this, but knew that she had never felt happier on any place in the world than in her dreams. All her friends spoke of imaginary friends and different worlds, so she thought that she was no different than the next kid.She had begun to take more notice of her powers at the age of nine when playing with her mother, she had actually put her to sleep by playfully saying "Sleep with me, mommy." At first she thought that her guardian was pretending, but grew puzzled by why she would not wake up after her fit of giggles had finished. Screaming, she shook her mother and demanded that she wake up, which the woman had done immediately after. It was from then that she knew that she was not normal. Nine year olds couldn't just put their parents into a deep sleep and pull them out of it within seconds. It was then that her mother had sat her down and explained everything, because even she knew that as much as she tried to expose Eunji to a normal life- her true origin would always catch up with her. Ever since then, she had been careful with experimentations, unsure of how exactly her power worked  She found herself willing anyone to sleep and wake at mere words, and walking into the dreams of those closest to her. It took her eight years to understand her powers enough, eight long years of careful behaviour. It took her eight years to realize that even if she was daughter of one of the less powerful gods, she was still a danger to those around her. When she was seventeen, the thing she feared most had actually happened: her sister's death. Eunji had been no stranger to 'mythologies' as they were presented to her by her mother in the form of fairytales. She had heard of harpies that ate half-god, half-hume children, she had heard of sirens that beckoned sailors to their deaths and had even heard to magical horses whose horns had the power to heal and grant wishes. She had never thought much of them, but at the age of seventeen, she knew that her mother had been preparing her for her future. It was too bad that her younger sister had to pay the price. In what had supposed to be a negotiation between the harpy and Eunji had ended in tragedy and blood - the blood of her sister and her sister's captive. It was then that Eunji realized the full potential of her powers, and that she had to leave  everyone that she held dear. Her mother had two daughters, and then in the span of a day both of them had left. Eunji had been run away to Camp Half Blood because she knew that even if her mother had not showed it, she resented her for being responsible of her sister's death. 

Her Personality


Eunji is a year long camper, but usually keeps to herself. She prefers to stay out of people's ways, having a habit of not letting just anyone too close to her (which she establishes through the use of formalities). She is reserved, usually speaking only when spoken to or if the situation requires it. She is a person that thinks her actions and thoughts through before doing or saying anything. To strangers and acquainances, she appears cold and slow, but those who know her well enough or get to know her well enough know that she is the opposite of that. The reality is that she is scared of losing another person close to her like how she lost her younger sister and mother.
She appears as if she is sleepy most of the time, but that is only because of the nature of her origin. She is fascinated by art because they remind her of her dreams, and particularily loves to paint. She enjoys the dawn and dusk, usually finding time to watch over it no matter what task she is appointed at the moment. She is patient, not quick to getting annoyed over trivial things, one of her pet peeves is a person who destorys the dreams of others or mocks them, but even then she would remain level-headed. The only time when she ever lost her temper is when she fought of her first monster, but her flame has extinguished since then as she hates confrontations. She prefers combat from far a distance than melee, even though she has the ability to put enemies to sleep, she would prefer to not always depend on her powers. Her number one fear is thanatophobia because it is the ultimate end to dreams and without dreams, there is no her. 
Her friends (the ones that she lets in) see a side to her that no else does, they say that her happiness reaches her eyes around the ones that she loves and it is with them that she lets all pretenses fall apart; with them she is truly comfortable.

Name: Jung Eunji Orientation: Straight (But is bi-curious)
Age: 19 Relationship Status: Single
Gender: Female Occupation: Student/Camper@Camp Half Blood
Godly Parent: Hypnos Race: Greek

Past-time Favorites






 Precious items | Weapons | Companions



My Paramour





Cherry blossom ending,  my paramor | (m) | (g/r) | (0/1) | (prefered that our characters get to know each other better first) |  Open — This love is like the soft, fragrant scent of cherry blossoms, the lovely softness of its petals, like a dream. What had started with a rather questionable, uncertain beginning had blossomed into a sweet romance. It's innocent, it's passionate, it consumes both  her heart and mind, leaving her in a state that she never knew she could feel. Every kiss sends her to the stars, every hug coaxes about the sweetest dreams that she could ever have without her control, every moment is precious in her heart. "The scattering cherry blossoms spread out on this street as we walk together and I like it."

To Star and back | (m/f) | (g/r) | (0/1) | (prefered that our characters get to know each other better first) |  Open — Her most beloved companion seemed nothing more than a mere rumor by the campers of cabin 15. But you know that she is not a liar, that the children of Hypnos are capable of greater dreams. You know that each nightmare is akin to a reality in their lives, that each dream holds true more hope than the children of any other Gods and Goddesses have seen. And so with her consent, she pulls you into this world of dreams where she meets her Alicorn. The said Alicorn already knowing of your visit before you ever thought of it and holding the answers that you wish to be answered. But first, you need Eunji's trust or else your questions will forever remain questions.  

Just one day | (m) | (g/r) | (0/1) | Open | Romance or possible friendship — Her friends had always told her that she needed to get herself out there more, but she had always been scared to. To satisfy her friends, she decided to go on a date that they would set up for her. Just one day, she will act towards this stranger as she does to her friends and reveal her heart. Just one day, she will cast down the walls and leave it up to fate to take care of the rest. 

Timezone: -05 Est Status: Fixing up profile
Online Availability: Evenings, Weekends, Whenever I can be--- Writing Style: Novella, Para.
Disclaimer: Possible Mature content will be present. Aim: Aimusername.